Todos nós gostamos de ouvir falar dos aspectos positivos dos nossos signos do zodíaco, como o nosso charme, criatividade ou capacidades naturais de liderança. Mas, sejamos honestos, ninguém é perfeito, e os astros compreendem isso.
Já se perguntou porque é que o seu amigo Carneiro pode ser tão impulsivo? Ou porque é que o seu colega de trabalho de Virgem parece escrutinar tudo? A culpa é do lado mau do zodíaco!
Neste blogue, vamos mergulhar nos cantos sombrios de cada signo do zodíaco, explorando os aspectos mais obscuros que nos definem como seres humanos. Tem coragem suficiente para enfrentar o "lado negro" do seu signo? Vamos a isso!
1. Áries
An Aries doesn’t really have much of a dark side, but they tend to demand things impulsively, and if they can’t get what they demand, then watch out, because you will be met with fire and fury.
They won’t really care if they hurt you, and they often behave immaturely. Once you experience this from an Aries, you don’t want to ever again provoke this side of them.
Their intensity isn’t just reserved for battles with others—it’s something they struggle with internally, too. The constant need for stimulation means they grow bored quickly, leading to reckless decisions they later regret. If their competitive streak is triggered, they won’t hesitate to trample over anyone in their way, even if it means turning on friends. While they may apologize later, their fiery nature ensures that their impulsiveness leaves a trail of burned bridges.
2. Touro
Taurus is stubborn—everyone knows that—but they have some darker sides, too. They are materialistic, selfish, and stingy. Laziness is also something they can’t be proud of; a Taurus would even fake illness just to have a personal assistant because of their idleness.
Their attachment to comfort can make them ruthless in their pursuit of security. If they feel threatened, they turn possessive, clinging onto relationships or material things with an iron grip. Their fear of change means they can be manipulative, guilt-tripping others into compliance just so their world remains predictable. And when they hold a grudge? Forget about ever being forgiven—they remember every slight, no matter how small.
Ver também: Você é um anjo ou um demônio de acordo com o seu signo do zodíaco?
3. Gémeos
Os geminianos são como algumas personalidades reunidas numa só, por isso é muito provável que algumas dessas personalidades sejam sombrias. Nunca se sabe o que se vai encontrar com um geminiano; mesmo que tenha a certeza de que o conhece profundamente, ele vai surpreendê-lo.
Because of their split personality, you can never truly trust them, and if you provoke their dark side, you will see that they are mean and utterly insincere, gritting their teeth when smiling at your success.
Their adaptability is often mistaken for honesty, but in reality, they tell people what they want to hear. They manipulate with words, twisting facts to suit their narrative, and they’re so convincing that even they start to believe their own lies. When they grow bored, they create chaos just for entertainment, playing mind games with no regard for how it affects others.
4. Cancro
O cancro é um caranguejo por uma razão, pois adora enroscar-se na sua pequena carapaça de caranguejo quando o seu pobre coraçãozinho é partido, e isso acontece com mais frequência.
They get offended very easily, which is why it’s so hard for them to come out of their comfort zone. But their darkness is not pitch black because no matter how much they get hurt, they will still be able to get over it and forgive.
However, their forgiveness comes with a catch—they never forget. Their grudges fester, turning into passive-aggressive behavior that leaves others second-guessing every interaction. A hurt Cancer won’t lash out immediately; instead, they retreat and plot, ensuring their eventual retaliation is subtle yet devastating. Their emotional depth makes them master manipulators, using guilt and sentimentality to bend people to their will.
5. Leão
Um Leão é um líder natural, uma influência e um modelo para os outros, mas há um lado negro em tudo isso. Eles são muito egocêntricos e amam apenas a si mesmos.
They demand attention and will try to be the center of everything. For a Leo, everything revolves around them, and you can be sure they’ll do anything in their power to steal the spotlight.
Their ego is their downfall—wound their pride, and they become theatrical, blowing small issues out of proportion. If they feel overshadowed, they don’t sulk quietly; they retaliate with grand gestures meant to reassert their dominance. They can be dangerously persuasive, convincing people to cater to their needs while dismissing anyone who dares challenge them.
6. Virgem
Os virginianos são perfeccionistas e analisam demais. Passam anos a analisar os prós e os contras, a calcular os benefícios e as desvantagens, e é daí que vem a sua verdadeira obscuridade.
All of the analysis results in being too self-critical and judgmental. Watch out for a Virgo’s dark side because if they are unhappy, they will for sure pass that unhappiness to you.
Their obsession with perfection turns them into relentless critics, nitpicking flaws in themselves and others with surgical precision. Their cold detachment from emotions makes them come across as cruel, and when they decide someone is beneath their standards, they don’t hesitate to cut them off without explanation.
7. Balança
Libra é conhecido por ser bom em ter tudo equilibrado na sua vida, mesmo os seus lados claros e escuros.
Quando o seu lado obscuro se torna finalmente visível, apercebemo-nos de que são hipócritas, indecisos, hesitantes em tudo o que fazem e que, devido aos seus cálculos e induções, muitas vezes se fazem perder, a si próprios e às pessoas que os rodeiam, coisas importantes.
Behind their charm, they are skilled manipulators, twisting situations to keep themselves in a favorable light. They avoid conflict not because they hate it, but because they don’t want to be seen as the villain. Their ability to play both sides of a situation ensures they always come out looking innocent, even if they were the mastermind behind the chaos.
Ver também: Estes são os 5 signos do Zodíaco mais tóxicos
8. Escorpião
Escorpião é definitivamente um candidato ao prémio de "signo mais sombrio de todos". Quando esse lado negro é provocado, verá o sociopata na sua alma, e ele não hesitará em trair, magoar ou mentir-lhe.
É perturbador só de saber o quão perigoso um Escorpião pode ser. A pior parte é que depois de tudo o que fazem, não se importam.
Their need for control makes them terrifying opponents—when crossed, they retaliate with calculated vengeance. They lure people in with their mystery, only to use their deepest secrets against them later. Their ability to mask their emotions makes it impossible to predict when they will strike, making them one of the most dangerous signs to provoke.
9. Sagitário
A Sagittarius is good at reading people, and this is where their dark side lies. They know where all of your buttons are, and they love pushing them until you scream. They feel a gap and emptiness in themselves, and their cruelty is an attempt at filling that hole.
Despite their adventurous spirit, they lack emotional depth, often treating relationships as disposable. Their brutal honesty borders on cruelty, and they rarely think about how their words affect others. If they feel restricted, they disappear without a trace, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and unanswered messages.
10. Capricórnio
Um Capricórnio nunca é uma pessoa genuinamente sombria ou negativa. São viciados em trabalho leve e não se concentram nas coisas sombrias e negativas da vida, pois não têm tempo para isso. Mas tendem a ter um maníaco do controlo escondido algures dentro deles.
Para conseguirem algo, para serem melhores nas coisas que fazem, tendem a usar as pessoas para seu próprio benefício.
Their ambition is relentless, and while they appear disciplined and composed, they are often suppressing a ruthless desire for success. They won’t hesitate to step over others if it means securing their place at the top, and their calculated nature makes it nearly impossible to catch them in the act. Their emotions take a back seat to their goals, and if they deem someone a liability, they will cut ties without a shred of guilt.
Despite their outward composure, Capricorns carry a deep-seated fear of failure that eats away at them. They are their own harshest critics, and when they feel like they’re losing control, they spiral into cold cynicism, tearing down those around them. Their detachment makes them seem heartless, as they would rather abandon a struggling relationship or friendship than confront uncomfortable emotions.
11. Aquário
Aquarians are very smart and wise people, and they can give you the best pieces of advice you can get. The only problem is that they often don’t follow that advice themselves. They are smart, but they are also quick to judge others, living in their own heads and often seeming detached.
Their intelligence can be a double-edged sword, making them feel superior to those around them. They often believe they are the only ones who truly understand the world, dismissing opposing viewpoints with a condescending smirk. Their emotional detachment makes it difficult for them to form deep connections, and they frequently ghost people when things get too personal.
Despite their reputation for being progressive and open-minded, they can be stubbornly set in their ways, refusing to acknowledge when they are wrong. They despise authority yet secretly crave power, often manipulating situations to maintain control without appearing oppressive. While they champion humanitarian causes, they struggle with individual empathy, making them seem cold and unapproachable when someone needs genuine emotional support.
12. Peixes
Os Zodíacos de Peixes não vivem na escuridão, mas podem lá chegar quando se sentem magoados e traídos. Quando isso acontece, põem um sorriso maléfico e tornam-se arrogantes, pisando todos os que lhes fizeram mal.
Pisces are known for their compassion, but when they turn dark, that sensitivity becomes their weapon. They play the victim like no other, weaving intricate stories to gain sympathy while subtly villainizing those who wronged them. If they feel unappreciated, they sink into self-pity, manipulating those around them into catering to their emotional needs.
Their escapist tendencies make them unreliable; when life gets too overwhelming, they retreat into fantasy, avoiding responsibilities and relationships. They may drown themselves in vices—be it excessive daydreaming, substance abuse, or toxic relationships—blaming the world for their self-destruction. Their darkness isn’t loud or aggressive; it’s slow, silent, and suffocating, pulling everyone around them into their melancholic abyss.