1. Libra
This zodiac sign is all but rude. They always act like little angels who are caring and loving—the last thing they want to do is make other people suffer.
Whenever a problem occurs, they will do their best to make everyone else happy, even if that means they are not happy at all.
So before you put blame on them, ask yourself a question: “Who is the real devil here?”
2. Piscis
Al igual que Libra, los Piscis son auténticos pacificadores. Si empiezas una pelea con ellos, simplemente te ignorarán y se irán porque hacer daño a los demás no es lo suyo.
Son sensibles, suaves y amigos de verdad, por lo que no hay muchas situaciones en sus vidas en las que realmente se peleen con alguien.
Lo creas o no, con ellos todo siempre va bien, así que no te molestes en hacerles enfadar porque no conseguirás lo que quieres.
3. Taurus
Even if you think a Taurus woman is mean, that is not true. She is not dangerous at all. On the contrary, this woman is sensitive, loving, and caring.
She will give her last dollar to a stranger in the street if they need it. She is tolerant enough to get over some bumps on the road but if you cross the line of her tolerance, you better watch out.
4. Acuario
Este signo del zodiaco es conocido por ser paciente y amable. Simplemente no les gustan las personas malas y crueles en sus vidas, así que no importa lo increíble que seas, las mujeres Acuario no hablarán contigo.
She doesn’t see any point in being mean but she knows how to stand up for herself. So be careful how you talk to her because even if she respects others, she respects herself more.
5. Sagitario
Aunque tienen tendencia a ser impacientes e inquietas, las mujeres Sagitario no se dejan llevar por la agresividad.
La verdad es que odian vivir en un mundo injusto y cruel, pero si haces algo malo, no perderán el tiempo contigo.
They will just listen to all the things that you have to say, turn their backs, and leave the room. That’s how they will show you that they have everything under control and that leaving was their decision.
Véase también: Signos del zodiaco de menos a más espeluznantes
6. Géminis
Este signo del zodiaco es despreocupado y amable la mayor parte del tiempo. Pero también tienen algunos pros y contras.
Lo malo de los Géminis es que les gustan MUCHO los cotilleos. No importa si los rumores son ciertos o falsos, se los contarán a cualquiera de sus círculos de conocidos.
This characteristic makes them rude although they are not aware of that. If they just could keep their mouths shut for a moment, that would be great. But you know, that is a mission impossible!
7. Cáncer
Depending on their moods, Cancers can be rude or totally sweet.
If you catch a Cancer lady in a good mood, she will compliment you from your head to your toe but if you catch her in a bad mood, watch out because she is spitting fire. That’s the way that cookie crumbles!
8. Leo
A Leo woman is all about loving, forgiveness, and sweetness. But don’t judge the book by its cover. She can pretend to like you but inside, she can think that you are really rude.
So don’t try to confront her because even if she looks like an innocent puppy, she has the heart of a lioness.
Y puedes estar seguro de que no se lo pensará dos veces para vengarse de ti cuando menos te lo esperes.
9. Virgo
Ohh this zodiac sign is a real actress. She likes that form of passive-aggressive energy, and she will never speak out loud what she thinks of you.
Cuando la conozcas, te dirá lo increíble que estás hoy y te hará los mejores cumplidos.
In the end, she will ruin all that with her comment: “It was about time!”. If this is not rude enough, I don’t know what is.
10. Aries
Si preguntas a la gente sobre las mujeres Aries, todos te dirán lo encantadoras, dulces, aventureras, amables y cariñosas que son. Pero no te creas esa mierda.
She is just wearing a mask so people would like her. In fact, she is a totally crazy woman, so if you do her any harm, she is capable of tearing your head off.
Después de leer esto, supongo que no quieres un pedazo de ella, ¿verdad?
11. Capricornio
If you harm her or her family, you don’t need to worry that she will scream at you or punch you in the face.
Es lo bastante lista como para esperar el momento oportuno para darte un puñetazo en el estómago, tras lo cual te desmayarás, preguntándote qué acaba de pasar.
She is calculated and this is one of her biggest flaws. This is how she tells people that she is a real menace, so watch and learn that you shouldn’t mess with her.
12. Escorpio
Tadamdadam… last but not least, the queen of rudeness, her Majesty Scorpio! This is a woman you don’t want to mess around.
They always act mean, so you better watch your behavior in front of them. If you do some harm to them, be prepared for revenge. She will make your life miserable, and she will even haunt you in your dreams.
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