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Olvídate de tu edad, estas cosas siempre son atractivas

Forget About Your Age, These Things Are Always Attractive

The society we live in makes age so important as if getting older is the end of the world.

La verdad es que some things are timeless and will always be attractive, no matter the number of candles on your birthday cake!

I’m lucky I’ve always been surrounded by amazing women who showed me that true beauty and attractiveness have nothing to do with age.

It’s all about how you carry yourself, the energy you have within, and how you live life. The older I get, the more it makes sense. Men will always be attracted to certain types of women and no age, wrinkles, or gray hair can change that! 

Here are the traits I noticed in every woman who has men crazy about her, regardless of her age.

1. Contagious positive energy

Guys will always be attracted to women who radiate positivity!

Some women simply have the kind of energy that makes everyone around them feel good. No matter how much time you spend with them, they always recharge your batteries. Who wouldn’t want to be near them?!

One woman always comes to my mind when I think of this trait. She always manages to find positivity in everything, and nothing can break her strong spirit! 

2. A heart of gold

Being kind and compassionate will always be in style. It’s one of the most precious traits a woman can have.

Men notice this because they love when women are nurturing and loving, so they look for someone who can take care of them. The good news is that caring for others is in our nature, so you just have to embrace it!

Whenever I ask men what they find really attractive, they say women who are kind, ready to help anyone and have a good heart always leave a good impression. 

3. Fun and playful personality

No one is attracted to people who are boring and narrow-minded. Women are sometimes too serious because they want to look mature, but men want the complete opposite!

They want someone who is silly, adventurous, and genuinely enjoys life. My friend Sarah is exactly like that. She’s always up for anything, ready to try new things, and she’s so fearless! 

No wonder she always has guys obsessed with her. It’s simply fun to be around her and she can make everything more interesting and exciting.

4. Passion fueled with purpose

A woman who’s confident in her goals and knows what she wants? Super attractive. Passion is something that can never die in us, no matter our age. 

This is why we should never forget about the things we love and the interests that keep us alive. Men love women who dream big and are not afraid to take risks. 

Those women are always inspiring and push everyone to be the best version of themselves. Would you be more attracted to someone who is passionate about something and knows what they’re doing or someone who’s completely lost without a purpose?

5. Sharp and clever mind

Intelligent women are the best because you can have a conversation about anything and they’ll always know what to say.

They know something about every topic and have their authentic opinions they’re not scared to share. It’s fun to talk to them because they bring unique perspectives to the table and challenge your thinking.

They keep things interesting, and men would choose that any day over a woman they can only talk with about the weather. 

6. Sophisticated style and elegance

The older you get, the more you realize that blindly following trends and looking like everyone else will never make you stand out.

The classic style and elegance will always be special and attract men like crazy. My mom is so effortlessly elegant all the time and carries herself with such grace and confidence. The second she got divorced, that woman had men lined up on her doorstep! 

It doesn’t matter where they go, these types of women are always looking their best and men can’t keep their eyes off them. 

7. Polished look that turns heads

I know you think guys are blind when it comes to some small details, but trust me, they always notice women who look put together. They love when you take care of yourself and always make sure to look presentable.

Whether that be having nice nails, healthy hair, a good hairstyle, or simple makeup, men adore it! I always admired my friend Lisa who would look like she just walked a runaway at fashion week whenever I saw her!

When you look put together, people immediately assume your life is under control and you know what you’re doing. It also shows you invest time in your appearance, and which man doesn’t like his woman looking good?

None of these things have anything to do with age, and every woman can learn how to embrace them and attract anyone they want. Don’t fall for societal pressure to look perfect because not only is that impossible, but it’s also not something that will keep a man around. 

Instead, strive to be caring, carry yourself with confidence and elegance, nurture your passions, and embrace all the wonderful things that make you unique. That will always be a recipe for ultimate attractiveness at any age!