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La sposa annulla il matrimonio per un motivo esilarante, in un vero e proprio stile da regina del dramma

Bride Cancels The Wedding For A Hilarious Reason In A Real Drama Queen Style

I know being a bride is quite an exciting experience and also a huge emotional rollercoaster. That’s why some brides become so irrational and excessively demanding when they plan their “big day”.

You want to feel like a princess and see all your fantasies come true. If you face any obstacles in a nuptial plan, it all becomes so overwhelming and you become hysterical.

Ma there’s no way you’ll ever outstrip this bride’s reaction when her creative wedding plan failed abruptly.

“All we asked was a little help from family and friends to make it happen” 

Questo ex-bride-to-be shared her story about the wedding plan that simply failed, to say the least.

She and her fiancé have been together since high school and he proposed when she was 18. Later on, their son was born and they started planning a luxurious wedding and putting money aside for that purpose. Eventually, they came to a sum of $1,500.

“Since our love was like a fairy tale, we wanted an extravagant blowout wedding, one where our son could be included.” 

They couldn’t decide between two venues so they asked a psychic for help. He suggested the more expensive option located in Aruba, and together with the flight tickets it required an investment of close to $60,000.

As they obviously could not afford such a lavish wedding, the bride-to-be came up with an idea to arrange a funding campaign for her wedding by asking her guests to pay a generous entrance fee.

When some of the guests found this idea inappropriate as they couldn’t afford it she called off the wedding and left her fiancé.

She shared her story in a long Facebook post where she informed family and friends that her wedding was being canceled four days before the scheduled date.

“It comes with great sadness that I am announcing the cancelation of the wedding…”

She explained how she and her fiancé separated due to some “irreparable problems” and will “not go forth with future proceedings” but they will stay “civil” because of their son. The decision, as she said, was made “ after hours of tears and mental exhaustion”. 

She planned to spend two weeks recovering from the toxic energy caused by her family and friends, and then she would leave the country for two months. As everyone in her opinion had let her down, she said she would delete her Facebook account and asked everyone not to contact her.

“You’re all wrapped into this mess”

Starting to sound even more dramatic she accused everyone of ruining her marriage in different ways and invited the Facebook community to read her mini novel where she will bring out her version of the events that caused it all to crash down.

The woman said she “SPECIFICALLY asked for cash gifts” e the required amount was… take a deep breath – $1,500!!! I mean, this woman is out of her mind!

The maid of honor and her ex-fiancé’s family promised a couple of thousands. So she thought it was pretty reasonable to ask other guests for a $1,500 worth contribution. Otherwise, they shouldn’t attend their exclusive wedding ceremony. 

“I just wanted to be a Kardashian for a day”

To her great surprise only eight people RSVP’d to their invitation with the check and not only that, the groom’s family withdrew their offer, as did the maid of honor and some of her friends as well.

Stay with me, it gets crazier!

Then in desperation, they asked people to donate as much as they could and set up a GoFundMe campaign. But they only got $250!

Her dream wedding had become a nightmare!

When her fiancé suggested having a Las Vegas wedding she was offended by the idea and had a panic attack.

“Am I supposed to like the idea of getting married in the heart of shady gamblers, alcoholics, and the get-rich-fast fallacy?” 

Get real, woman! 

She called her maid of honor looking for comfort but all she got were “harsh” comments about how she’s been asking for way too much and she should stick to her budget.

“I called her a filthy poor excuse of a friend and hung up.” 

In return, the maid of honor blocked her on social media and then made fun of her with other bridesmaids. They told her she was crazy.

When guests asked her to refund the deposits, the ex-bride-to-be refused and even required them to pay her back for the emotional distress.

This woman is seriously detached from reality. Can you imagine inviting people to throw away money so YOU can have your luxurious wedding?

I just hope she came to her senses afterward and realized how immature she’s been acting.