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12 People Confess How They Unveiled Their Partner Was Cheating On Them

12 People Confess How They Unveiled Their Partner Was Cheating On Them

Three months before the wedding, I found out my fiance was sleeping with his business partner’s wife. Love bite exposed him and then he admitted everything. I was shattered, felt betrayed, embarrassed, and completely heartbroken.

I was so depressed and so angry at the same time. I couldn’t stop crying.

Then, the hardest part was to inform our guests that there would be no wedding. I felt so miserable. But also, I wanted people to know what he had done to me.

So, I’ve sent 187 emails with my sad story.

To my great surprise, people started replying. I received loads of comforting messages from friends and family. Even from his family. They were not only supportive but they shared their stories about unfaithful partners and how they realized they’ve been cheated on.

Reading so many testimonies on cheating from people I know, helped me shake off emotional distress sooner than I thought. I hope these stories of infidelity will comfort you as well. 

1. “I kiss my friends on the mouth”

“I was reading the goodnight story to my 4-year-old daughter and then she asked me if it’s ok to kiss her friends on the mouth. I said, “Well, no.” and asked, “Why?”. She told me she saw her daddy kissing another woman in front of her daycare and he said she’s just a good friend of his.

I made him move out in two days.”

2. “Caught her cheating thanks to Slack”

3. “Who got you pregnant?”

“She came one day all excited and told me she was pregnant. I told her to get out of my sight.

I started packing her stuff and when she asked me what was going on I said I’ve been 100% infertile because of a genital tract infection I had while I was a kid.”

4. “Found his keys at a neighbor’s place”

5. “We need to talk. – Is this about Rachel?”

“I came to his work to apologize for the massive fight we had that morning. I spitted out so many hard words. I was out of my mind when he told me he couldn’t get the vacation in July as we planned.

When I said we needed to talk, he replied ‘Is this about Rachel?’

Rachel was his assistant and a few times it occurred to me something was happening between them.“

6. “Watching the game” in another woman’s bed 

7. “He cheated on a team building”

“He cheated on me while he was on a team building. I found her hot thongs in his pocket when I was putting laundry in the washing machine.

Then I checked his phone and boy, I realized they were having an affair for 6 months.”

8. “I caught her on camera”

“There was a robbery in our apartment building so I watched the camera footage with a police officer. It was embarrassing and shocking to find footage of my wife kissing my sister!!!

I didn’t even know she likes girls.”

9. “He passed HPV to me”

10. “He cheated on me while we were on holiday together”

“We went to the Bahamas for two weeks and while I enjoyed leisure time on the beach with a book, he joined a bunch of different activities: beach volleyball, salsa, scuba diving, etc.

One night he didn’t show up in our hotel room, so I went out to look for him. I caught him going at it on the beach with a dance instructor!”

11. “She cheated on me with my dad!”

“We went to California to visit my parents. While I was out with my school buddies I got a call from mom. She was so upset when she found my girlfriend giving my DAD a lap dance in the middle of our living room.”

12. “He was naked with another woman in front of a trailer”

From overdressed to naked, from a wife to a sister’s lover… man when I read these, I couldn’t help but think about what people had to go through. Compared to all this, my story is not that scary at all. If all these people survived infidelity, I will too.