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Listen To Me Carefully, You Really Wanna Know About A Golden Retriever Boyfriend

Listen To Me Carefully, You Really Wanna Know About A Golden Retriever Boyfriend

What the hey is the Golden Retriever boyfriend? you must be wondering. I know, I was puzzled too.

Apparently, this is a new TikTok trend, or the relationship term, to be more specific. This type of boyfriend is cheerful, incredibly loyal, ready to please, and a good listener. His face breaks into a beaming smile whenever he sees you.

Sounds like a golden retriever, don’t you think?

Only a brief scroll and you see a bunch of videos with this hashtag, showing boyfriends who sulk when their partner heads to the gym, appear adorably lost in a crowd until they spot their significant other, or engage in amusingly silly antics in public places.

This is that smile when he finds you:

Women on TikTok go crazy, they all want The Golden Retriever boyfriend. However, some see this behavior as a red flag, but mostly, it’s very desirable among women.

I got really curious and wanted to know more about it. So stay with me to see if it’s as great as it seems, and discover all the red flags to watch for.

Why do we wanna date a Golden Retriever boyfriend?

They are praised for their easygoing nature and flexible attitude with their significant other. Golden Retriever boyfriends are very different from the moody loner type that has become less popular in mainstream culture.

Some famous examples of this type of boyfriend are Ryan Gosling, Tom Holland, and, of course, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – Travis Kelce. The football player is always smiling around her, has a cheerful personality, and isn’t afraid to be goofy.

A Golden Retriever boyfriend is enthusiastic, sociable, and up for almost anything (even the embarrassing stuff). He’s not overprotective and unfriendly to strangers. 

Besides being hunky, he is so into you. You’re with someone who is always there for you, appreciates you, and is optimistic, warm, snuggly, devoted, and gentle.

However, they can seem quite clingy. They are very affectionate and somewhat dependent on your presence to feel happy.

Beware the downsides of this relationship trend!

Be aware that some relationship trends can produce quite unrealistic expectations. What’s shown on social media is far from real life, so avoid comparing your relationship with those you see online.

The biggest issue with the concept of a Golden Retriever boyfriend is the idealization of a relationship we know little about. It also focuses only on positive sides of this kind of a relationship and minimizes any negative traits.

Nothing is black or white, and ignoring the possible nuances and pitfalls is simply unrealistic. There is a great chance you’ll end up disappointed. Also setting up high expectations is not really fair to your partner. 

He’s human and not a dog. Don’t expect him to be the perfect doglike partner!

Also, I must tell you… 

Watch out, there are red flags, too! 

There are many concerns about idealizing this type of man because it can be misleading. You may mistake unhealthy behavior for affection.

You may feel overwhelmed when your man depends solely on you for social interaction. If he’s literally glued to you all the time and follows you everywhere (even to the toilet), gurl, something isn’t right there. 

If his arms are always around you, sometimes it can be hard to breathe:

If your partner is making you feel guilty for hanging out with friends without him, seeing your family, or even working, that my dear, is a red flag.

This behavior could lead to him wanting all your attention, which can cause you to lose touch with your friends and the world outside of your relationship. Don’t ever let this happen! 

Friendships are essential for our well-being, and the stronger you are as an individual, the better your relationship can be.

Another warning sign is if you find it hard to have serious conversations with him. I know it’s great to fool around and have fun together, but serious talk is essential to resolve relationship issues.

This type of boyfriend is often perceived as somewhat naive. While having a cute and slightly clumsy partner can seem charming, you may also notice the lack of the deeper qualities needed in a relationship. 

But not necessarily, it could also mean you’re not appreciating their true virtues because of this misleading standpoint.

How to mirror Golden Retriever traits in YOUR relationship 

I know, we all look at those reels and think “I wish my relationship was like this?”.

Instead of drooling over someone else’s relationship that just seems perfect, find ways to include these qualities in your own relationship.

Improve communication. If your relationship tends to be lighthearted and you’re unable to maintain serious conversations, make an effort to introduce more heartfelt communication.

Practice active listening and be genuinely interested in what he’s saying. Being a good listener can enhance the warmth and connection in your relationship, mirroring those cherished Golden Retriever traits.

Explore each other’s love languages. It’s well known that expressing love in ways that align with your partner’s preferred love language can significantly improve relationship satisfaction.

If you need help figuring out where to begin, try love language quizzes!