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10 Shocking And Heartbreaking Stories Of Women Who Said No To Marriage Proposals

10 Shocking And Heartbreaking Stories Of Women Who Said No To Marriage Proposals

Marriage proposals are supposed to be magical and one of the most romantic moments in the life of a woman. The answer to a really important question can determine the whole fate of a relationship and it rarely goes in a negative direction.

But what happens when the proposal doesn’t go according to plan and the answer is “no”? The reasons for this can be different. Sometimes it’s all about the wrong timing and the other person is still not ready to take the big step.

Other times, it could be because there was no compatibility that is crucial. And then, some proposals take a really unexpected turn and there are shocking stories behind the reason they were declined.

Let’s dive into some of the most bizarre stories that were shared on a Reddit thread

1. Cheated and wanted to get away with it

This story is so heartbreaking! I can’t imagine how she felt but she’s lucky she found out on time. 

I honestly don’t know how she managed to keep her cool for so long. But let’s not forget about the waitress! She is definitely a hero in this story for being honest and saving her from a miserable marriage! 

Source: Reddit

2. Unrealistic expectations 

Some men are really funny! He seriously thought she would leave everything to be with him and act as his maid. 

There is nothing wrong with being a stay-at-home mom if you have a reasonable partner who’s ready to support you. If not, take this woman as an example and leave him!

Source: Reddit

3. Proposal that shocked everyone

This might be the worst one I read in this thread and I bet others agree. It’s really sad and unsettling to know that people like this exist.

She added he was her neighbor and traumatized her for life. You can’t trust anyone these days. I am so glad she spoke to her parents right away.

Source: Reddit

4. She dodged a bullet

Wow, some people have too much audacity and really think someone should be grateful to be with them. In reality, it’s completely the opposite. 

I’m so happy when stories like this have a happy ending, she deserved much better and that’s what she got!

Source: Reddit

5. Definition of a big red flag

This woman avoided something that would turn into an awful marriage! Honestly, if you ask me, she even stayed with him far longer than she should have.

While she was worried about his health, he turned out to be an awful person. Just when you thought this story couldn’t escalate more, it became truly horrifying! 

Source: Reddit

6. Realized what he lost too late

You’re never truly grateful for what you have until it’s gone. Men often take women for granted and then they suddenly want to change when they realize it’s over. 

She was even kind enough to leave him the apartment and move to another place. He obviously only wanted to trap her and thought a cheesy note and gift would fix everything.

Source: Reddit

7. The future wasn’t looking bright

I feel like some people don’t take marriage seriously at all. I mean, what do they expect?

Also, people who don’t have any ambitious or real goals are such a turn-off. Who would want to be with someone who doesn’t have a passion for anything and just wants to live off someone’s back? 

Source: Reddit

8. Ring choice revealed a deeper issue

I’ve heard so many stories from other women who said their partners never respected their opinions. And it’s not only about that. 

He knew what she wanted and still didn’t respect her wish.  You sometimes really wonder if they ever listened to what you said or they simply don’t care. Even if she said yes, I think their marriage wouldn’t last for too long.

Source: Reddit

9. Desperate for marriage and kids

This man suddenly remembered he was getting old and his biological clock was ticking. Imagine saying this to someone on your first date!

He wanted to get married before it was too late. This is just proof that some people are extremely selfish and only think about themselves and fulfilling their needs.

Source: Reddit

10. Wanted money, not love

The end of this comment made me chuckle but she’s ain’t wrong! Too many people today only want to use others for their money and nothing else. 

This story proves that men can be gold diggers too! He actually thought she was so desperate to be married that she would do all this for him. 

Source: Reddit

I don’t know about you, but some of these stories really shocked me! However, I’m glad to know these women did the right thing. Turning down their proposal is probably the best decision they’ve ever made! 

Let these stories serve as a reminder that you should always know your worth and never settle for less than you deserve!