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1. He is shady

One of the first red flags that a guy is actually a player who will hurt your feelings is his dishonesty and shady behavior.

When you come to think about it, you know nothing about this man, and you have very little information about his whereabouts.

Yes, privacy is important, and nobody is telling you to be a psycho stalker who follows her boyfriend’s every move, but the fact is that this guy hides all of his life (and love life) details from you and that you caught him lying more than once.

Is your man constantly on his phone when he’s with you, but when you call him, it is always out of service?

Does he avoid answering whenever you ask him who he’s been texting or talking to?

Does he always go out to answer his phone and never talks to anyone in front of you? Does he follow a lot of unknown girls on social media?

Does he hide his phone and make sure he never leaves it out of sight? Does he refuse to tell you where and with whom he’s been last night?

Does he hide his Snapchat and Instagram stories from you? Do you have any access to his social networks?

Does he act like a suspect in a murder investigation and avoids eye contact whenever you try to find out more about his daily activities?

Does he accuse you of being too nosy when you ask him a normal question? Is his body language telling you he is hiding something?

If most of these answers are positive, I have to disappoint you and tell you that you’re without a doubt dealing with a shady guy who is playing you. Stop lying to yourself, and look the truth in the eyes!