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1. You are kind

Kindness is really rare these days. It’s something we shouldn’t take for granted because kind people are becoming extinct with modern cruelty.

Being kind means being nice to everyone and treating everyone with the same amount of respect.

It means respecting yourself and respecting others equally.

Kindness is definitely the most attractive trait one could possess and if you find yourself to be kind, know that others greatly appreciate you for that.

Even though they might not say it to you, know that it’s true.

Your kindness is like a beautiful, rare light in the darkness and you should never think that others do not notice it.

If you’re kind to people, animals, the environment and the things that surround you, you’re making the world a better place and others will find that quality attractive.

Don’t ever think that if you’re being too polite, people will think that you are weak.

Bad people and greedy people are the weak ones. Kindness is the opposite of it and you should be proud of yourself for that.