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10. Don’t make him think that you’re after his money

This is an immediate red flag. If money is what you’re after, you should give up immediately.

Older men are more intuitive and they will see right through you and your less than honorable intentions.

But if it’s love that you’re feeling, this is how you can make him see that your intentions are pure:

• Avoid talking about how much he makes and how much you love his expensive car.

• Split the bill evenly when you’re on a date (if he lets you) and therefore show him you’re not trying to rob him blind.

• Talk about your passion for work and show him you’re eager to support yourself.

It’s normal for an older man to question things when a much younger woman is supposedly interested in him.

He just wants to make sure that you’re after him and not his material possessions, so prove to him you’re a high-value woman.