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10. Play a player

To play a player properly, you need to know some basic rules, but the most important rule of playing is to NEVER fall in love. This is just a game, remember that.

Make him think that you like him, while you’re enjoying your single life to the fullest.

Make him feel special while knowing that everything you say is meaningless.

And when you feel that his affections are at their peak, cut him loose.

It’s important to stay long enough so that he takes the bait and remembers being played, and to cut it off before he gets bored of you.

Being a player is a tough job, so don’t do it unless you’re ready or you really want to get back at him, for whatever the reason.

If you feel bored, leave. If he admits he has feelings for you, leave.

Don’t linger too long, so that you won’t fall for him. Make sure you protect your heart too. Once you decide that you’re cutting him loose, make it a clean cut.

Don’t linger around him, don’t give him second chances, just don’t prolong the game, because it might backfire on you.

Cut him out and cut him clean. You’ve done your job well. You played a player.