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10.They know when to let them step in

As it has already been written, men need to feel useful but they don’t want to be taken advantage of.

It’s a huge plus if you are independent but look at it from a different perspective.

If you’re too independent, he will get the feeling that you don’t need him and it may cause him to pull away in the early stages. You have to play this smart.

These women know exactly how much of their independence to show in front of a man.

They know when it’s the right time to let them step in and do something for them.

They know how to make them feel needed but just the right amount. Be smart and try to do the same thing.

Luckily, these are the traits that someone can learn and adapt to, so it’s not impossible to use them to get a man to fall in love with and commit to you. Work on yourself and you’ll definitely make it.