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13. Your gut is telling you so

Let’s face it—there probably doesn’t exist a girl who never asked her friends: “Is he a player or really into me?” regarding some guy, despite the love they share.

A girl who never wondered: “Is he playing with me or are his intentions honest after all?”.

Nevertheless, it is perfectly natural if things like these go through your mind once in a while, but it is something else if you’re obsessing about these questions.

When you’re an overthinker and also an overlover, you always suspect everyone’s intentions.

You are constantly scared about getting your heart broken, and you doubt even the ones you should trust.

However, when your gut is telling you something, maybe it’s time to listen to it.

After all, if you spend most of your time asking yourself questions such as: “Is he serious about me or just playing?” or “Does he really love me or is he playing games?” or constantly searching for an “Is he playing me” quiz, it is time to reconsider your entire relationship.