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He Keeps Asking Me Weird And Funny Questions. Is He Just Teasing Me Or He ACTUALLY Likes Me?

He Keeps Asking Me Weird And Funny Questions. Is He Just Teasing Me Or He ACTUALLY Likes Me?

Recently, our team was introduced to a new project manager. God, he’s HOT! Besides being very handsome he’s also a very funny guy and a people person. So, he likes to chit-chat with everyone in the company but I have noticed he really likes to interview me.

I’m puzzled as I can’t decide if he likes me or just likes to play and talk, but everyone else on the team thinks he’s been flirting with me.

You might wonder if his questions are work-related. NO! He just fires out a whole bunch of weird and funny questions. Why would this guy keep asking you random stuff? If he likes me, as my coworkers believe, I guess he wants to get better insight into all shades of me.

It’s like a job interview, some questions seem quite simple but they spotlight some parts of me that even I’m not aware of.

So, I started getting used to the idea that he liked me, and joined the play. These are some of his weirdest questions, I bet you’ll be amused!

1. You’re granted 3 wishes. What do you wish for?

This question might sound simple but the answer reveals a lot about you. Your answer will show what you desire, what your drives are, and what you prioritize in life.

Before inviting you for a date he wants to get to know you better and questions like this are the perfect way to see who you really are.

When I said a million dollars, I could notice the disappointment on his face. He thought I was so materialistic. My second wish redeemed me: peace and love in the world, and he nodded in approval. The third wish was quite common I think: to live a healthy and happy life, but I believe I caught his attention with wish number two.

2. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

This will tell him what you would do if responsibility for your actions was nonexistent. It’s a great test to see if you are a good or a bad person.

It is well known that people (the bad ones obviously!) tend to do bad things when they think they won’t get caught. So, if your answer shows a humane and generous impulse, you’ll be seen as dating material.

My answer was rather odd and maybe flirty. I said I would come to his condo and watch him eat his dinner. Did I make him uncomfortable or what?

3. What’s your dream job?

What you do for a living or you would prefer to do, is mirroring some aspects of your personality. For instance, if you prefer medical or caregiver jobs, it means you’re a devoted and caring person.

Who wouldn’t like to be with someone as reliable as you? You’ll take good care of him when he’s sick. If your choice was architecture, you’ll probably have many ideas on how to redecorate your love nest.

I said my dream job is to be a writer and he was a bit surprised but I guess he liked it.

4. What is your best friend like?

Don’t worry he’s not planning to seduce your best friend! He wants to get the idea of what you value in people the most.

So when you describe your best friend, if you highlight her physical attributes he might think you’re superficial and only appreciate someone’s looks. On the other hand, if you say she’s the most responsible and diligent person you know, he will be able to see your values too.

I told him my friend is always there to help (she’s an animal rescuer) and continued about how much I appreciate her humane perspective and attitude. To tell you the truth, we carried on talking about humaneness and love for animals for half an hour at least.

5. If you could only see the world in one color, what color would it be?

Well you know, there is a meaning behind every color. Your answer will show the substance of your personality. Also, it will tell him what kind of world you want to live in.

If you say red (I chose red), it means you are an energetic person who seeks adventures and maybe has a short temper. Blue is a melancholic and rather calm color. Yellow is playful, it symbolizes happiness, optimism, and joy.

You may wanna google your favorite colors, just in case a question like this pops up with your crush!

6. What’s the weirdest thing you gave someone as a gift?

Once I gave a cauliflower to my mom on Mother’s Day. I wanted to make fun of her tendency to cook cauliflower soup (which I hated!) way too often, and we both laughed for 20 minutes.

So, your choice of the weird gift will show if you have a strong sense of humor or if there are some awkward (or even dark!) parts of your personality.

7. Is there a movie you could watch over and over?

My favorite movie is Love actually. I’ve watched it like 10 times and would probably watch it every single day if I could (but there is work, friends, and other things to do). I guess it shows how much I love love.

If your choice is a horror movie, it will tell him you’re fearless. The romantic comedy will show him you’re a romantic person. Arthouse movies, for example, will present your artistic side.

8. If you could choose where in the world you were born, what country or city would you choose?

I know, we all love our hometowns. But there is always a dream country or nation we wish we were born into. Since I was a child I wished I was born in Ireland. Oh, those magical green landscapes!

So, if you dreamed of being born in Lissabon, or in Rome it will show you have traits of a Mediterranean personality: you like Mediterranean cuisine, and you’re expressive, emotional, and joyful.

If you wish you were born in Japan he might think you value decency, self-awareness, care, tidiness, precaution, etc. Not to forget sushi!

9. What’s your favorite cartoon?

If your choice is one of Disney’s cartoons, it will tell you are a romantic person that likes fairytales. Choosing a different type of fairytale such as Spirited Away, as your favorite cartoon, will say you prefer different aesthetics and narratives.

When I said my favorite cartoon was The Last Unicorn, he was astonished as it was his favorite cartoon, too.

10. If you could go back in time, what would you change?

We all wish to go back in time and make different decisions. A bad choice or an act you would like to change will uncover your self-esteem, self-awareness, or even ability for an objective perception.

I wish I was able to go back and spend days listening to my grandma’s stories about her life. I will always regret being too busy at the time she was still alive.

11. What’s the most unbelievable lie you’ve told?

This is the way for testing your honesty and integrity. If the nature of the lie was innocent but the lie itself was funny and creative, it would be a plus.

Mean and manipulative lies will expose some parts of your personality. Make sure to think before you answer this question.

I once tried to skip school and my attempt to deceive my mom is hilariously naive: I said the school building was invaded by cockroaches!

12. What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Being able to speak about not-so-brilliant moments of your life and unflattering situations, means you’re very self-conscious and you can laugh at yourself. You are aware that no one is perfect and we all face humiliating moments from time to time.

When I told him a story of how once I came to work with a huge hole in the back of my pants! We both laughed ecstatically and he said I’ve made his day.

13. Would you rather swallow a fly every time you drink water or wake up with a worm in your bed every day?

This is really a weird one! Also, it’s mind-boggling. But just use your common sense. Creativity will help you, too!

Wanna hear my answer?

I’d rather swallow a fly as it would be INSIDE and I know it would drown in my stomach acid and I’m all safe. Sleeping on a bed next to a warm, YUCK! I would be disgusted and sick. 

Well, these “would you rather” questions can be tricky, but don’t dwell on it. Answers can vary depending on what your crush is like.

14. What scared you the most when you were a child?

Your childhood irrational fears give an insight into your perception of reality. If you weren’t scared of monsters under your bed like all children, you might be a very rational and down-to-earth person. You didn’t believe in supernatural beings even as a child.

Any fear can actually unmask your public face, too. If you’re scared of insects but think you’re tough otherwise, people will find it hard to accept.

I was afraid of narrow and tight spaces in home furniture. When I think about it, it makes sense – freedom and space are very important to me.

15. Tell me the 5 things you would find useful on a desert island.

An answer will show how good you are at prioritizing things and if you’re clever and pragmatic. If you choose only items that would entertain and not save your life or feed you, this will give an impression you’re not a very reasonable person.

This question will make you wanna think twice. My answer was a knife, matches, fishing gear, a sleeping bag, and a book.

What do you think? Are your answers as hilarious as mine?