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2. Have fun

Having fun is an essential part of every relationship. If the two of you keep quiet when you’re together and just stare at other people, what’s the point of your relationship?

You could stay home instead. I bet you would have more fun watching a movie or doing something else.

You can be sure your guy will notice if you are not having fun. Just think about how he would feel about it.

Put yourself in his shoes and you will realize that it is not the best feeling ever. In fact, it sucks!

So, if you care for him, try to find some ways to spend quality time together. You can always ask him some tricky questions about his life and the things he likes to do to spice up the atmosphere a bit.

I am sure he will enjoy answering your questions and the two of you will create a much deeper bond.

When you get a text in the middle of the night, you will probably ask yourself, “Why does he keep texting me?”

Well, I am sure you have figured it out by now — he enjoys talking to you. Stop staring at his message and text back. What are you waiting for?