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2. They let men prove themselves worthy

A woman who knows how to make a man fall hard doesn’t go out of her way to prove to him that she is worthy of being with him.

Instead, she lets him prove himself to her!

And she does this by not showing that she’s crazy about him even when he hasn’t done anything yet to earn her affection.

She gives him time to prove to her that he’s worthy and during that time, she’s patient.

Women who know how to make men go wild for them don’t sit next to their phone and wait for their call, they don’t beg them to text back and they don’t bother thinking too much about any of this.

Instead, they occupy themselves with other things and if they call and text back, they act in accordance with it.

They always let men prove themselves worthy because the concept of courtship works on the principle of chasing and proving that you’re worthy (and all you have to do is wait and let it happen).