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3. He hides his past

All of us have the right not to share the details from our pasts with our new partners.

So, your boyfriend is in no way obligated to tell you every little thing about his exes or to spill out all the weight of his emotional baggage right in front of you.

You have to respect his privacy and the privacy of his former emotional partners enough not to ask too much and enough to let him be the one to decide what he’s ready to tell you and when.

At the same time, it is perfectly natural for you to know at least some basic details about your boyfriend’s past, including romantic ones.

It should be normal for you to know things such as when his last serious relationship ended, how long his longest romance lasted, and what type of girls he usually dated.

Nevertheless, you know nothing about these things and to put things frankly, you know nothing about this guy’s past.

You never heard him mentioning one of his exes or telling you something more about his love life in general.

Even though this is not such an obvious sign that you’re dealing with a player, it is, without a doubt, a warning you should pay attention to.

What is he hiding? What is he afraid of? Is it possible that he was actually a jerk towards all of his girlfriends and that he wants to prevent you from finding that out?

That he cheated or ghosted most of them and that he is scared that his mask of a good guy would fall off if you ever became aware of that?