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3. The cute girl

This type of girl is actually the best thing that can happen to a man. So, you don’t need to look like Sarah Jessica Parker and dress up in New York City’s latest fashion to attract a good guy.

You just need to be cute and have your own integrity. You should wear clothes that look good on you and not those that others wear.

If you are cute, you will always attract hot guys and that will make you feel good about yourself.

The most beautiful women are actually those who have their own style and don’t blindly follow all rules put in front of them.

They think with their own head, they are creative and playful, and a life spent with them is the best time you’ll ever have.

Falling in love with the cute girl is practically the easiest thing in the world because of their charm and positive energy.

Also, they have healthy self-esteem and tend to live to the fullest.