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5. His words don’t match his actions

Another warning sign that a man is playing you is the fact that his behavior is nowhere near his words.

When you first meet this man, he is a good guy who gives you loads of empty promises and bullshit lies, which you of course fall for.

However, after a while, you realize that all of these sweet words were nothing more than his sneaky way to get under your skin, inside your heart, and into your bed.

Some of these players don’t have a problem with telling you how much they love you, how much they missed you, and that they could never imagine themselves being next to another girl who isn’t you.

And let’s face it—what woman doesn’t like hearing these words coming from a man she is crazy for?

This is especially the case when you’re threatening to leave his sorry ass or when you really get the strength to walk away from him.

When this happens, he turns into the best guy ever, and he keeps telling you that he will do anything just to have him back.

Nevertheless, when you come to think of it, he never actually stood behind his words and you can’t help but wonder: “Did he really fall in love with me or he is only playing games?”.

In fact, he always acted completely the opposite, and as soon as he gets another chance, he goes back to his wrongdoings.

The bitter truth is that you don’t feel that love and affection he’s telling you about.

He never fulfilled any of his promises to change so that things between you will be different.

So, what other proof do you need before you realize that he is nothing but a player who will break your heart?