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5. The single girl

Single women have always been a great enigma for most men. They fly solo and they feel good about that fact.

Which most men don’t really understand, right? That’s why they find them hot and attractive because it takes a lot of effort to win the heart of a single girl.

A single girl is someone men will try to seduce, but also someone who is selective about with whom she wants to be.

Maybe she is more into some shy guy and approaches him rather than some fuckboy who will try to win her over by telling her all sorts of lies just to get laid.

The most desirable thing about a girl like this is that she spends a lot of time with guys but she never commits to any.

Those are all her friends and she won’t date anyone until she finds her own way.

She isn’t someone who will settle for less than she deserves, so she’d rather stay single than waste her life on an immature jerk. If that is not desirable, I don’t know what is.