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5. They don’t make them their priority

Another secret to capturing a man’s heart is never to make him your priority (at least not in the beginning) because if you do, he might lose interest in pursuing you.

Now, what does this mean?

It means that you shouldn’t give up on your life just because you’re head over heels for him.

For example, if he invites you on a date but you already had something planned with your friends, never, ever change your plans just to go with him because if you do, he might take your time for granted and you will ruin the chronology of pursuit.

So, the recipe for success is letting him pursue you, letting him prove his worth, not tolerating bullshit, and not making him your priority until he proves to you that he’s worthy of being a part of your life.

Keep in mind that no matter how crazy you are about him, you always need to control yourself and give him space to win you and when you succeed in this, he will definitely be crazy, madly and deeply in love with you!