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6. Flirt with him

I am sure all of you have had a chance to read the body language of men falling in love. If you have at least some love experience, you will be able to see if he behaves in a strange way.

That’s what love is. On the other hand, you should maintain that love at the same level. Never take your partner for granted or he will just get tired of being neglected and leave.

Make sure that you flirt with him, no matter whether the two of you have been together for five or for fifty years. There is no excuse.

If you really love him, let him know how you feel about him. Tell him that you love him just like the first day.

Tell him that he is as handsome as he was in his twenties. Well, he is even hotter now since he has that charming gray hair!

Anyway, you know what I wanted to say. Be a beast, you know you can do it.