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6. You’re subconsciously scared of love

Not every issue is caused by external things. Some people have difficult inner things they deal with.

You could be the greatest woman in the world, but if you don’t heal yourself from something that’s caused you pain in the past it’s hard to move on.

It’s also possible you’re not doing it consciously but your mind is self-sabotaging.

This is why you need to focus on yourself first.

When you’re fully healed love will find you because you’ll be ready for it.

All in all, relationships are not so simple.

There are so many factors that decide if someone’s ready for a relationship or not.

It’s important to know your self-worth and be open to new experiences.

Don’t be scared to try something – even if you fail it will be a valuable experience that will teach you a lot.

There’s no success without trial and error.

Most importantly, don’t be hard on yourself. Love is around the corner, you just need to have a little faith.