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7. Don’t dumb yourself down, show him how smart you are

If you’re of the opinion that men fall for dumb girls, you’re WAY wrong.

That is such a common and unfortunate misconception that makes intelligent women feel bad about how smart they really are.

It is never a good idea to make yourself look stupid in order to make a man shine!

If you don’t think that the guy you’re after can handle your extensive knowledge of various subjects, then you’re after the wrong guy.

Always be true to yourself. A real man appreciates an intelligent woman who is at the same time smart, sexy, ambitious and fun.

That’s the real goal for any man who isn’t intimidated by strong women.

Here is what you should never allow to happen when it comes to your brain:

• Never let a man make you feel like you can’t contradict him. If you have a good point, always share it.

• Never let a man speak on your behalf, especially if you know he’s seriously wrong.

• Never let a man make you feel like you should be quiet in order to make him look smarter.

Remember, YOU are a catch. Any man should be so lucky to have you! Don’t ever compromise your mind or your feelings for anyone’s selfish needs.