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These 7 Simple Words Will Make Him Go Crazy For You

These 7 Simple Words Will Make Him Go Crazy For You

Last night I had dinner with my friend and we talked about the ways we speak to our partners and how it affects relationships. We both realized how unconsciously we use too many negative words and speak without thinking. 

Then she mentioned the novel she recently read. The main character tried to explain to his wife that she needs to be cautious with what she says: “Pay attention to your words. They are like prayers. What you say is what you get. Words become reality!”

Makes sense, right? A positive mindset is the key to success. Not only in business but in relationships too.

Relationships are really simple, we just tend to complicate them more than it’s necessary. Also, we tend to forget how powerful words can be. Using simple but specific words when communicating with your partner will do wonders for your relationship. 

There is a certain vibe attached to every word you say and your man will catch it subconsciously. So be mindful of your words and pay attention to HOW you say them!

These are some of the powerful words you should use when talking to your boyfriend and believe you me, he’ll go crazy about you:

1. “YOU”

Just think about it. When someone emphasizes “YOU” while speaking, you instantly feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

Try more of these: 

“How have YOU been?”

“Would YOU like to go to the movies?”

“Did YOU have a good day?”

That way your man gets the idea you’re interested in him, you care and he’s an important part of your life.

You don’t care only about yourself, you’re thoughtful about him and his needs, desires, and his well-being.

2. “I”

Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you should lose your sense of self. So even though you should say YOU more often, another important word is “I”.

Talk about your needs, wants, and dreams. Stay true to yourself, don’t let the relationship change you. You’re the most attractive when you’re being yourself. You’ll radiate contentment and self-satisfaction. And that my dear is HOT!

Say more:

“I feel like…”

 “I want to do this.”

“I wish you would…”

Don’t forget to say “I” as much as you say “you”. Ensure a balance, and your relationship will flourish. 


Oftentimes we take people for granted. We forget to say “THANKS”. We forget to share our gratefulness and appreciation, and give gratitude.

Trust me, saying “thank you” even for the smallest gestures will make your relationship blossom. 

Don’t miss to say:

“Thanks” when he buys you a coffee.

“Thanks” when he cooks dinner for you.

“Thanks” even for just being around.

This way he will feel appreciated. Being grateful for all his efforts will give you even more of his attention.

4. “LOVE”

“I love love.”

Your tongue dances and jumps when you say “love”.

You feel warmth and joy, right? 

When you say or hear the word “LOVE” you immediately start melting. 

Also, when you say “Love, could you please… ” you show affection and appreciation first and THEN you ask for something. So it’s more likely he’ll do what you ask for. 

When you often verbalize the feeling you two share, it will make your bond even stronger.

5. “YES”

The word “YES” elicits optimism. Instantly!

“One word can change everything.”

I always remember that movie with Jim Carrey, “Yes Man”. The main character enrolls in some personal development program that requires him to say yes to everything and stay open to every opportunity.

Saying “YES” keeps you spontaneous and your life is more interesting. You’ll have loads of fun when you say “yes” to his last-minute crazy ideas for a getaway.

When you’re optimistic and open-minded people are drawn to you. Everyone likes to be around cheerful people. Their energy is contagious!

6. “NO”

“No” is a negative word but its positive power lies in protecting you from unwanted situations. The truth is many of us are being people-pleasers and we find it hard to set boundaries. 

So learn to say “NO” when some invitation or a proposal doesn’t feel right!

Let’s practice, it’s easier than you think:




You need to stand up for yourself and clearly show when you don’t like something. That way he’ll treat you with respect and perceive you as a fierce woman who simply won’t tolerate any mistreatment. 

Dare to say “NO” as many times as you say “YES”!

7. “PROUD”

It’s like applauding him, yourself, and your relationship:

“I’m PROUD of you!”

When he achieves his goals or wins a promotion at work.

“I’m PROUD of myself!”

When you win the movie quote quiz.

“I’m PROUD for us, we rock!” 

When you celebrate your anniversary.

You feel powerful when you say “PROUD”. Pat yourself on the back!


Now you have the power words kit, make sure to use it as much as you can and enjoy all the attention you’ll be getting!

You’re welcome!