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Do Women Have To Choose Between Being Homemakers And Pursuing Their Career?

Do Women Have To Choose Between Being Homemakers And Pursuing Their Career?

Women have already proven that they can really do it all. The question that remains now is – should they? 

Years ago women were primarily housewives and weren’t expected or even allowed to work, yet nowadays things are much different. Women are not only pursuing their careers (and are amazing at it) but also breaking the stereotypes. 

However, some people are still strongly advocating that women should be homemakers and that career achievements can’t compare and be valued as much. 19th-century feminists would be pissed off.

Solie and Andre are parents who actively share their content on TikTok. Recently Solie has uploaded a couple of videos in which she talks about specific parenting of her daughters.

Women as homemakers are the foundation of happy families 

Credit: TikTok

In one TikTok Solie talks about the worth of housewives and how no achievement can compare to it.

She also said that we live in a society that supports and encourages women engaging in their careers and not appreciating homemakers at the same time. She added:

“Healthy families thrive when women embrace their role as homemakers. Nothing can replace the value of a woman as a homemaker — no Grammy Award, Nobel Prize, or PhD. Nothing!”

Should being a housewife be a woman’s priority?

In her other TikTok, Solie explained the way she will raise her daughters with her partner and the reasons behind it. As she says:

“Being a homemaker will be option A for our daughters!”

However, Solie and Andre won’t prevent their daughters from getting an education and having a home-based job. They will simply teach them useful skills that can be applied to different areas of life. She continues:

“This doesn’t mean our daughters won’t have jobs or education, but they will be fully equipped with skills to manage a home, run a home-based business, care for children, and respect their future partners. Many of these skills, like time management, are valuable in various life contexts.”

Solie and Andre also think it’s useful that their kids will be competent enough to help their friends and family with children if needed. 

Credit: TikTok

She also emphasizes the importance of doing any job their daughters might have from home so they can be present for their own families. This might be a perfect solution for those who complain they can’t spend much time with their loved ones because of their work. She ended the video by saying:

“That is really how you change the generations, is by really instilling the legacy of homemaking into your children.”

Can men be homemakers too?

Her videos caused discussion in the comments with different opinions and views on the topic. Some women completely agreed with her and said that they wish they were raised in such a way because they feel they don’t have those skills now. 

Others were…let’s say, not so happy about her opinion. They believe these skills should know no gender and men need to be equipped with the same knowledge. This is why they are raising their sons in the same way. Someone wrote:

“I do both, and my husband does both as well. Set all of your children up to be successful no matter what path they choose.”

Although learning homemaking skills is not bad, deciding the future for your kids can be. We usually don’t come across videos teaching about how sons should be raised in a certain way, but somehow women are met with a lot of expectations from the day they were born.

What would society look like if all women decided to stay at home? Imagine a world without female doctors, lawyers, politicians, scientists…

Now, think about how we would live without all the technology we have. When a woman decided to step out of her home to work, she saved us from this misery because she invented programming (I wish she knew how to program a perfect man).

Oh yeah, a woman invented the internet as well, so without her, you wouldn’t even be able to read this now. Do you think we should go back to traditional values and raise our daughters to primarily be housewives? Write your opinion in the comments!