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9. He doesn’t include you in his life

When a guy is crazy over you, he is interested in your opinions and attitudes, and he wants to get to know you as much as he can.

Not only that, but he also wants to make you a part of his life: he wants you to meet his best friends and family, he tells you about his job, and he includes you in his hobbies.

Every relationship expert will tell you that when a man is genuinely interested in you, he will proudly show you off to everyone in his surroundings.

He will be more than happy to hold your hand in public and to introduce you to the world.

On the other hand, a certified player will never do any of these things.

In fact, he’ll probably hide you from everyone and make sure you’re out of his life as much as possible.

This guy will probably ignore you when you’re in the company of others, and he’ll try his best to do everything he can not to run into you anywhere outside of your apartments or shady nightclubs. It is not that he’s embarrassed about you.

He just doesn’t want to be caught making out with you because he is in the same relationship with numerous other girls and that would blow his cover.

Besides, not giving you access to his life and daily routine makes it easier for him to dump you whenever and however he feels like it.

The less information you have about him and the fewer friends you have in common, the easier it will be for him to ghost you and disappear without any explanation.