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22 Inspiring Quotes Tattoos To Transform Your Life With Power Of The Words

22 Inspiring Quotes Tattoos To Transform Your Life With Power Of The Words

Words are powerful — they can uplift, inspire, and shape our lives in wonderful ways. Imagine a permanent quote inked on your skin — you’ll be able to carry those important words with you wherever you go. You can ink a famous line from literature or a modern affirmation that motivates you — a quote tattoo is a perfect way to let words highlight your journey.

Have a look at these 22 amazing quotes tattoos and you’ll see what I’m talking about!

1. “We’re Almost There And Nowhere Near It. All That Matters Is We’re Going.”

The famous quote from “Gilmore Girls” is a perfect pick if you’re a fan of this TV show. Covering a large portion of the forearm this powerful quote tattoo looks truly astonishing.

2. “Create Yourself, Continuously”

This quote tattoo may be small and subtle, but its meaning is deep. Remember to keep working on yourself and embrace self-improvement. Until you feel comfortable in your own skin.

3. “To Live For The Hope Of It All”

Swifties will go crazy about this one — verse from Taylor’s song “August” carries the universal meaning: it can be about relationships, choices, or life in general. It’s a great quote to ink on your skin.

4. “It Will Never Be Perfect. Make It Work.”

Now something for perfectionists: “It will never be perfect. Make it work.” Things may not always go exactly as planned, but you should keep going and do your best with what you have. 

5. “10 Things I Hate About You”

OMG, fans of the movie “10 Things I Hate About You” check this out! It’s a full poem tattooed on a skin! Did you know that this movie was inspired by Shakespeare’s comedy “Taming Of The Shrew”?

6. “What Remains Embraced By The Soul Never Leaves”

This quote tattoo means that whatever touches your heart deeply, stays with you forever. Things we truly care about are always a part of us.

7. “Your Treasure Is Already In Your Hand”

Accentuated with a red match bent into a circle, this quote tattoo is a great reminder that what you’re searching for — happiness, success, or fulfillment — is already within you. It encourages you to recognize and appreciate what you already have.

8. “What Goes Around Comes Back Around… “

Wow, such a creative quote tattoo: words are rounded in the shape of a number eight and they resemble the continuous movement making a graphical portrayal of the quote’s meaning. What you give is what you get! Actions have consequences. Life will give you back what you put in.

9. “Be Afraid And Do It Anyway”

This quote tattoo says that fear is natural, but it shouldn’t hold you back. It’s about facing your fears and taking action despite being afraid.

10. “Take Care Of Others But Also Yourself”

It’s nice that you’re kind and helpful to others, but don’t forget about yourself! This is a simple message that suggests finding the balance between caring for others and taking care of yourself.

11. “Dark Was For The Stars And Dreams”

“She’s never been afraid of the dark. Dark was for stars and dreams and the magic that took place in between days.” This is a quote from the New York Times bestseller — “The Ballad of Never After” by Stephanie Garber. Bookish people, do you like this one?

12. “Everything Happens For A Reason”

What a stylish design perfectly placed down the spine! Rose is linked to the word “everything” with a one-line technique and the font is so chic. Whatever happens, good or bad, has a purpose and contributes to the bigger picture of your life. Just trust that things will work out as they should.

13. “I Am Learning To Trust The Journey”

Curved placement on a forearm and a powerful quote: “I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand it.” This quote is to remind you to have faith in your path even when nothing makes sense and also, to accept uncertainty. Things will work for you, trust me!

14. “Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn”

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” Stay positive, every fail is an opportunity for a lesson and growth. Every fiasco will teach you something important.

15. “Inhale The Future Exhale The Past”

Remember to focus on moving forward and letting go of your past troubles. Breathe in new possibilities and release old burdens. But don’t forget to live in the present moment too!

16. “We All Bleed The Same Color”

We are all humans after all. Despite seemingly different, we are all fundamentally the same. That’s why we should nurture unity and understanding.

17. “No Rain, No Flowers”

We need to go through tough times to be able to appreciate the good ones. Just like flowers need rain to grow, we often need challenges to see growth and beauty in our lives.

18. “Blooming After Dawn”

Again a stylish design with the word “dawn” ending with a flower drawing. This quote tattoo is about growth and renewal. It suggests that just like flowers bloom after the night, we too can become stronger after difficult times.

19. “Don’t Stop Me Now”

“Don’t stop me now, cause I’m having a good time” comes from probably one of the happiest songs by “Queen” released in 1979. I love the font and the design, it’s quite a unique tattoo piece.

20. “All Limits Are Mental”

Subtle and minimalist, this quote tat tells you that most of the obstacles you face are the ones you create in your own mind. You have the power to overcome self-imposed limitations!

21. “Starve The Ego Feed The Soul”

This quote tattoo is a reminder to focus on what truly matters. It’s about shifting focus from external achievements to your inner self. The ego is never satisfied, it always wants more. But your soul is different — it’s content and fulfilled and needs no external validation. Feed your essence and let your inner self flourish.

22. “When Things Don’t Go Right Go Left”

The quote “When Things Don’t Go Right, Go Left” speaks about having a positive and adaptable mindset. If things don’t go as planned, try a different approach.