3. He hides his phone while using it
Every time he’s on his phone it looks like he’s hiding some damn government information. I mean, everyone values their privacy, but would he really act …
Every time he’s on his phone it looks like he’s hiding some damn government information. I mean, everyone values their privacy, but would he really act …
He always has some stupid excuse for everything he does and the way he acts. It’s like he’s not even trying to make up something …
Remember the times when he was all over you even though you used to spend all your moments together? Now it’s more like he’s suddenly always …
When a spouse cheats on their partner, the most logical and fair thing would be divorce, right? Well, there are some unfaithful spouses who stay …
Oh no! Your partner cheated on you, and it’s all out now. In the wake of this affair, you realize that what you have is …
It’s a fact that being sneaky in a relationship can really harm the bond between partners beyond repairable. It damages trust between them, which leads …
Women are blessed with a sixth sense and if you feel that something is wrong, it probably is. You can admit to your man that …
If you spend time with him but you feel that he is only there physically, you can be sure that something is not okay. It doesn’t …
He does that because he compares you with the person he is having an emotional affair with. And in case you say something that can …
If your man keeps some things as secrets from you but the rest of his friends know about them, it is a sign that something …