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Do Men Like Slim Women More Or Do They Prefer A Mildly Curvy Shape?

Do Men Like Slim Women More Or Do They Prefer A Mildly Curvy Shape?

For a couple of weeks, I felt miserable after a recent breakup and if that wasn’t enough, the scale showed a few extra pounds I have gained in the meantime. I leaned back in my chair and started rubbing my temples, thinking I should wash my hair as soon as I got home. Office noise felt distant while I was thinking about my ex.

They say men like curves but do they really? Or are they attracted to thin women more? Suddenly I got inspired to ask my male colleagues for an opinion. I was interested to know what they believed to be the proportions of a perfect woman.

I discovered that some men are enchanted by stunning looks, while others value specific personality qualities. Generally, they prefer balanced waist-hip ratio figures with an hourglass shape over ultra-skinny fashion models.

Yet, amidst the variety of tastes and preferences, there is a particular penchant among some men for slim women. These are some of the reasons they pointed out:

1. Slim women look healthier

Oh, the old belief that being slim means being healthy! Some people might doubt this idea, but when we see women with flat stomachs and thin waists, we tend to think they’re really healthy and full of energy. 

Even if they sometimes eat junk food, we still see them as the representation of good health, walking through life with confidence.

2. A healthy body = easy pregnancy

When it comes to planning a family we often think that a healthy partner is really important. Slim women, with their slender bodies, are believed to have better predispositions for carrying babies and giving birth. Because they have less fat, it’s thought that their pregnancies are easier and they have fewer problems.

3. The slim shape feels agile

Oh, the intricacies of being intimate! We don’t have any bad feelings towards women with more curves, but there’s a certain agility that thinner women bring to the bedroom. Their lighter bodies make it easier to move around, and some men enjoy an energetic time. It’s like playing a strategic game.

4. Less prone to diseases

Oh, the benefits of being thin! Slim women have lower chances of having heart attacks and diabetes because they don’t have extra fat weighing down their hearts, and their blood sugar levels are normal. 

Of course, nobody is completely safe from getting sick, but having less fat in their bodies helps protect them from these diseases.

5. Visually impressive

Look at the appeal of slim arms and legs, tight bodies, and smooth curves! Slim women, dressed in tight-fitting clothes and walking gracefully, have a natural charm that catches the eye of many admirers. Let’s just say it’s hard to resist their allure.

But what if I’m more curvy than slim?

A significant number of my colleagues find “feminine” shapes more attractive. They say what women see as “skinny” is different from what the male perspective defines as “skinny”. Curvy in the sense of a healthy weight is the perfect female shape they can imagine. And they assured me physical appearance by itself is not crucial. Personality is what they fall in love with. 

A mature man is aware of his own imperfections, so he doesn’t seek perfection in a partner. He’s not interested in casual flings or seeking someone as a status symbol. Instead, he desires a true companion, someone who shares his values and interests, with whom he can enjoy shared experiences and pursuits.

So, dear reader, if the object of your affection finds slim women more attractive, don’t get discouraged. Remember, true love knows no bounds, and one’s worth transcends mere physicality. Embrace yourself, love yourself, and let your inner radiance shine forth, regardless of societal standards and expectations.