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7 razones por las que deberías tomar clases de amor propio si estás casado

7 Reasons Why You Should Take Self-Love Classes If You’re Married

Being married has brought new experiences into my life that I’ve tried to navigate. Then kids came as well and my world turned upside down.

It was hard to learn how to balance care for my loved ones and not forget about myself. My whole life revolved around my family and I’ve never seen anything wrong with it. Until one day when I realized that my only identities were being a wife and mother. 

I felt empty, exhausted, and desperately needed to dedicate some time to myself and the things that made me a unique person before marriage. My therapist recommended taking some self-love classes and honestly, I thought that was a waste of time.

After some thinking, I realized that I had nothing to lose and decided to do something solely for myself after many years so I took my therapist’s advice.

The change didn’t happen overnight, but slowly, it transformed my life and marriage! Now I think every married woman should take self-love classes at least once in their lifetime! There are many benefits and these are just some of them. 

1. You rediscover who you are!

A few years ago, I didn’t even remember who I was anymore. It was like I completely lost some parts of myself.

I mean, let’s be real. With all the tasks on a to-do list, work, kids, and homemaking, who even has time for themselves? The self-love classes reminded me of who I am when I’m not a mom and wife, who I was before this family life.

I rediscovered my old hobbies and even picked up some new ones I’ve always wanted. This helped me tremendously! I was able to connect to myself again and realize the importance of doing things I enjoy.

2. You learn to prioritize yourself 

Once I became a wife and mother, I forgot about my needs and believed my life was all about putting everyone else before myself.

I was so wrong and it wasn’t easy to rewire myself into living and thinking differently. I think this is ingrained in every woman and that’s why we need to learn to prioritize ourselves no matter what.

That’s exactly what I learned on my journey – how small things like going on a walk, a spa day, or even something such as drinking coffee on my own can make a big difference.

Now I know it’s fine to tell my partner I need some “alone time” to recharge myself. After all, we first need to take care of ourselves so we’re able to take care of others! Remember that.

3. Your communication skills improve

I was stuck in the endless loop of a conversation with my husband asking me, “What’s wrong?” and me answering, “Nothing!” when I knew damn well there was something up.

I never wanted to be a burden and bother others with my problems and I’m sure you can relate. Now I know how to communicate better and express my needs or ask for help when I need it.

I no longer fear of being a burden because I know I’ll never be that to my partner. He’s there for me the same way I’m there for him. Once I learned how to communicate effectively, I also learned to remind others of my boundaries as well. 

4. You gather strength to set boundaries  

Setting healthy boundaries was something I always had a hard time with, even before my marriage. However, these classes changed my whole perspective and I figured out boundaries are important in every aspect of my life.

I was someone who never said no, whether to my kids, husband, or boss. Now I’ve learned how to politely reject something and not feel like the worst person on the planet!

Turns out, having boundaries makes my life so much nicer and easier, and I noticed people respect me even more now!

5. You build up your confidence

Every small change I made slowly built my confidence and self-esteem. We all know every year brings some new challenges and insecurities with itself.

The self-love classes gave me a much-needed confidence boost through the numerous exercises I did. I still do them to this day when I’m not feeling my best and need a reminder of who I am. 

This helped me focus on my strengths and improve my weaknesses and now I feel better than in my twenties! Feeling better in my skin also affected intimacy with my husband in the best way possible.

6. You enrich your love life

When I finally felt confident, beautiful, and worthy, I instantly connected better with my partner. By giving love to myself I was able to love him even more. 

He said that after these classes I became a woman he once fell in love with! Now I understand the importance of spending more time with him and going on date nights and honestly, our love life has never been better. 

It’s like we reignited our old high school love. Everything’s more passionate and sparks are flying everywhere!

7. You master dealing with stress

Once I knew how to take better care of myself, talk about my problems, and ask for help I found dealing with stress so much easier. 

Stress is completely normal and you know, the world won’t end when a small inconvenience happens. These classes equipped me with the tools needed and techniques I can use to manage stress better. 

I don’t feel like I’m carrying the weight of the whole world on my shoulders anymore! Instead, I feel I can navigate stressful situations much better and I’m more calm in general. 

If any of my experiences resonated with you, if you also feel exhausted and lost in everyday life just know it doesn’t have to be that way.

Consider taking self-love classes and changing your life for the better. Invierte en ti so you can lead a more happy, fulfilling life!