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1. He doesn’t put any effort in your relationship

This is one of the things   you are refusing to admit even to yourself, but when you take your rose sunglasses off and when you start observing things realistically, you see that this man hardly puts in any effort into your relationship.

When you come to think of it, you are the only one trying most of the time.

You are the only one fighting for this relationship and without a doubt, it means much more to you than it does to him.

He is your partner and you think it is natural for him to be your priority. But it’s like he doesn’t feel the same way about you.

It’s like this relationship is simply not as important to him as it is to you.

It is more than obvious that you are the one who loves more in this relationship and with time, you’ve gotten used to things being like this.

But when you come to think of it, you start to wonder if this guy really loves you.