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10 Things You Do That Emasculate Your Man

10 Things You Do That Emasculate Your Man

Every guy wants to feel like a superhero. Although they grow up and stop idolizing cartoon characters, they still want to feel powerful and brave just like them.

In that sense, they’re pretty simple creatures. They want to feel like women actually trust them and need them to solve their problems.

I was always taught to be an independent, strong woman and wanted to do everything on my own. I simply believed I knew the best and no one could handle things like me. By acting this way I never realized I made my man feel small and insignificant. 

After a long and honest conversation with him, he finally explained everything women do that emasculates men. Here’s what he had to say.

1. “We want respect, don’t treat us like kids!”

If men value something, it must be respect. Listen, I know men are not perfect, but neither are we. Everyone makes mistakes and unless it’s something major we should find a way to communicate it with respect.

Avoid nagging him in a rude way or talking down to him like he’s stupid. I believe all women have motherly instincts and that’s why we sometimes have the urge to treat even grown-up men like kids.

However, stop yourself for a moment and just think before you say something that might belittle him. You wouldn’t want him to treat you that way, right?

2. “Have a little trust in our capabilities!”

I had a problem with this one for a long time. I just couldn’t trust anyone to do anything as good as me. Whatever he did, I felt the need to intertwine and do it myself. You can only imagine how much it annoyed him.

Always trust your man knows what he’s doing. They rarely take something upon themselves if they’re not sure how to do it. So, let him use his skills, and then you can help him if he says he needs you.

You wouldn’t want people to doubt your capabilities, but always encourage you and believe in you. So remember that next time you try to correct him or stop him from doing something by himself.

3. “Your way of doing things is not the only right way!”

Speaking of trust in your man’s capabilities, maybe you have your specific way of folding clothes or filling up the dishwasher, but that doesn’t mean his way of doing it is bad!

I know you would most rather take off his apron and kick him out of the kitchen when you see how he prepares that meal but hey, maybe he’ll do it better than you would. I always thought my man didn’t know how to cook so I would correct him and tell him to do it my way.

When I finally let him do what he wanted I was surprised by his skills. Hell, I even learned a couple of things from him!

4. ”Bossing us around just turns us off.”

You might be the boss at your company, but leave your work and leadership skills outside of your relationship. I know we sometimes fight over who’s the main player in our relationship but calm down and just let him lead you for once.

You’d be surprised how much easier life is when you relax and let your man take the lead. I loved being the boss until I realized he probably needed that more than me. 

Now, I wouldn’t change the princess treatment I have for anything! Once you try it out, you’ll never go back to bossing him around.

5. “You know guys have feelings too, right?”

This might be a shocker but yeah, men are humans too! Maybe they don’t cry watching Titanic with you but trust me, they are emotional beings as well. 

It’s already hard enough that society pressures them to “man up” so he doesn’t need you to be hard on him as well. Carefully choose your words and speak with care just like you’d want him to do.

Also, don’t judge him for showing his emotions. If he feels he can be vulnerable around you, he’ll trust you even more and that builds a strong foundation for a healthy relationship.

6. “Comparing to others is the quickest way to bring us down.”

Bragging about your colleague’s income or praising your friend’s husband for how he acts might seem harmless to you. However, it does more damage than you realize. Especially when you do it often.

Although men are competitive by nature, they don’t like being constantly compared to others. It just makes them think they’re not good enough.

I mean, put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if he constantly mentioned how other women cook or dress, and do their jobs? Not really good, I suppose. Instead, try focusing on his good sides and compliment him from time to time. 

7. “If we don’t ask for help or advice, just leave it be.”

They sometimes need to tackle challenges on their own. They might not do it perfectly every time but still, even just an attempt means much to them.

We women often think we know everything and have all the answers but please, sit down and relax. Let him handle it! Men are not afraid to ask for help if they really need it, so don’t worry. He’ll definitely call you if he gets stuck!

Have a little trust in his skills and try cheering him on instead of offering your help when it’s not needed.

8. “No need to call someone else if we can do it.”

You have a leaky faucet and your first thought is to call a plumber. Hold on for a second. Take your phone and call your partner, he’s the only handyman you need!

We sometimes undermine their skills but they’re capable of more than we actually think. I realized they get this special feeling of accomplishment when they successfully repair or do something by themselves.

You’ll save your money and he’ll feel masculine and happy he helped you. Isn’t that better for everyone?

9. “Don’t make us jealous by flirting with other men!”

This one just pisses them off! I mean, it’s pretty clear why it would make them feel bad. Flirting with others is not fine in any case and can’t be justified.

Focus on your man and praise him in front of others. This will raise his confidence and make him feel appreciated. 

Men want to be desired, they want to know your eyes are only reserved for them. If you give your attention to others, they’ll just be insecure and think you’re not satisfied with what you already have.

10. “Chill out with controlling everything we do!”

You’re not his mom so don’t act like it. Everyone appreciates their freedom and healthy boundaries are what we all need regardless of our relationship with someone.

Maybe he wants to spend his whole weekend watching sports or going on that trip with his friends. Let him do it! You can also use this opportunity to do whatever you want and dedicate some time to yourself.