1. Ariete
This sign is the most emotional of all. They like to see their loved ones happy, and that is what makes them fulfilled and satisfied.
Sanno quanto sia importante circondarsi di persone positive, quindi tendono a farlo sempre.
La caratteristica migliore è che hanno sempre il cuore in mano, quindi saprete sempre cosa provano per voi. Onesti fino al midollo!
2. Toro
Ai taureani non piace molto affrontare le emozioni. La loro missione di vita è aiutare gli altri nelle loro battaglie.
Se succede qualcosa di brutto, tendono ad affrontarlo da soli, senza dire agli altri che tipo di fardello grava sulle loro spalle.
They are too emotional and don’t want others to suffer because of their problems. Their emotions and sensitivity are so big that they will sacrifice their life to please their friends and family.
3. Gemelli
This sign is very emotional about all those unfair things that happen nowadays. Kids without parents, war zones, and old people living alone can totally ruin them.
Può lasciare cicatrici nella loro vita così profonde che le loro azioni future saranno influenzate da queste cose.
L'aspetto negativo è che, quando diventano troppo emotivi, possono causare problemi gravi come l'ansia o la depressione.
4. Il cancro
Cancer is like the mother; they care too much, love deeply, and would do anything for the ones they love. They’re also very emotionally intelligent zodiac sign.
They understand other people’s emotions well, which is exactly why they’re such big empaths.
Although empathy is always encouraged, when we’re constantly overthinking what everybody else feels, we can end up forgetting about our own well-being.
5. Pesci
I think we all know by far that Pisces are extremely emotional. They would do literally anything to protect others from bad things and make them happy.
They’re too impacted by other people’s feelings to the point it really crushes them when someone they love is sad. On the other hand, they also feel immense happiness when their friends and family are happy as well.