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12 Zodiacs & How They Treat Their Ex Based On Their Sign

12 Zodiacs & How They Treat Their Ex Based On Their Sign

Il modo in cui trattate il vostro ex dopo aver rotto con lui può dire molto sul vostro carattere. Scoprite cosa rivela il vostro segno zodiacale sul modo in cui trattate il vostro ex:

1. Ariete


Tendete sempre a mantenere i contatti con il vostro ex, a prescindere da tutto. Non rimanete necessariamente amici, ma sapete che vi siete amati e non volete gettare via il vostro ex e quei ricordi.

Aries often feels that even if a relationship has ended, it served a purpose and left a mark on their life. You might check in on your ex occasionally, not out of lingering romantic feelings, but because you value the history you shared. A quick message or a casual hello is your way of saying, “I haven’t forgotten the good times.”

However, once you’ve decided to move forward, there’s no turning back. You approach life with a fiery determination, and wallowing in the past isn’t your style. You’re quick to channel your energy into new adventures and relationships, leaving little room for regrets.

Your bold and direct personality also means you’re honest about your feelings post-breakup. If you stay in touch, it’s genuine—there’s no hidden agenda or pretense. This approach often leaves your ex appreciating your straightforward nature, even if the romance has faded.

2. Toro


Sei stata testarda durante e dopo la relazione. Sei sempre stato tu a stabilire i confini e anche ora stai mettendo una linea chiara nel territorio di ciò che è tuo e ciò che è suo. Anche avere amici o attività in comune è fuori questione per te.

Taurus thrives on stability, and a breakup disrupts your sense of balance. As a result, you often enforce strict rules to protect yourself emotionally. Whether it’s unfollowing your ex on social media or avoiding places you once frequented together, you create clear barriers to help you heal.

Yet, deep down, you may hold onto a lingering attachment. Taurus is a sentimental sign, and though you appear unyielding, you quietly cherish the memories you’ve built. This inner conflict often leads you to reminisce about the relationship in private, even as you project a composed exterior.

Despite your reluctance to remain friends, you won’t let resentment take root. Over time, you’ll reflect on the lessons learned and approach future relationships with the same loyalty and determination that define your character.

3. Gemelli


Poiché siete così emotivi, è difficile per voi dimenticare il vostro ex, ma presto vi rendete conto che l'unico modo per dimenticare qualcuno che avete amato un tempo è trovare qualcun altro. E ci riuscite in men che non si dica.

Gemini’s dual nature means you may flip between sadness and excitement after a breakup. One moment, you’re reminiscing about shared memories; the next, you’re eagerly exploring new connections. This adaptability is your secret weapon for moving on quickly.

Socializing becomes your escape. You dive into parties, events, or even online dating to distract yourself from lingering feelings. By surrounding yourself with new people and experiences, you not only mend your heart but also rediscover your vivacious self.

Your charming and playful demeanor ensures that you don’t dwell too long on the past. Instead of regretting what’s lost, you focus on the thrill of what lies ahead. This optimism is why your ex might find themselves missing your infectious energy long after you’ve moved on.

4. Il cancro


È molto difficile dimenticare il proprio ex. Piangerete molto guardando le vostre foto o controllando il suo Instagram.

Non riuscite a togliervi dalla testa l'idea che lui fosse l'uomo perfetto per voi e che non troverete mai qualcuno come lui. Ci vorrà del tempo per capire che ci sono molti pesci nel mare, ma quando lo capirete, sarete più belle che nuove!

Cancer’s emotional depth makes breakups especially painful. You’re someone who gives your all in relationships, so losing that connection feels like losing a piece of yourself. While others might advise you to “just move on,” you know that healing takes time and patience.

Family and close friends become your support system. Their comfort reminds you that love exists in many forms, helping you rebuild your confidence. Eventually, you begin to focus on self-care and rediscover the nurturing side of yourself that others adore.

When you finally emerge from heartbreak, you do so with a renewed sense of purpose. A Cancer who has healed is stronger, wiser, and ready to love again—this time with an even deeper appreciation for what truly matters.

5. Leone


Il Leone è molto autosufficiente e non si lamenta troppo di un amore perduto. Ignora completamente il suo ex e va avanti appena può. Ama essere single perché può godere di nuovo dell'attenzione degli altri. Anche postare un selfie con un vestito attillato a una festa solo per farlo ingelosire è una cosa che vi piace fare.

For Leo, breakups are an opportunity to shine brighter than ever. You channel your emotions into self-improvement, whether it’s hitting the gym, revamping your wardrobe, or pursuing a new passion. Your motto is simple: “Success is the best revenge.”

Despite your confident exterior, there’s a softer side to you that takes time to heal. While you won’t admit it openly, you might occasionally wonder if your ex still thinks about you. This curiosity fuels your drive to present the best version of yourself to the world.

Once you’ve fully moved on, you carry no bitterness. You’d rather focus on creating new, exciting memories than dwelling on the past. Your resilience and magnetic energy leave no doubt that you’re ready to conquer whatever comes next.

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6. Vergine


There is no joking around with you. Once he is your ex, he will stay like that forever. Not only that but you’re gonna ignore every single attempt of your ex trying to crawl back to you, and you will make sure everyone knows what kind of an idiot he is.

For Virgo, moving on is a methodical process. You analyze every aspect of the breakup, dissecting what went wrong and how it could have been avoided. While this can be emotionally exhausting, it also helps you gain clarity and closure. You’re someone who learns from every experience, ensuring you come out of it stronger.

Virgos often throw themselves into work or hobbies post-breakup. Staying busy allows you to focus on personal growth rather than lingering feelings. Organizing your life—whether it’s decluttering your space or setting new goals—becomes your way of reclaiming control and healing.

Though you may come across as cold or indifferent toward your ex, it’s because you value your peace of mind above all else. You know that holding onto resentment or reopening old wounds will only delay your progress. With time, you move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and self-worth.

7. Bilancia


Quando un Bilancia vi lascia, significa che avete combinato un grosso guaio. Perché? Perché la Bilancia è sempre una persona gentile e darà sempre il meglio di sé nella relazione.

Se una Bilancia viene lasciata, avrà un momento difficile e passerà il suo tempo con gli amici e la famiglia per dimenticare il suo ex. Se incontra per caso il suo ex, sarà dolce e piacevole, anche se, nel profondo, vuole dimenticarsi di voi.

Libra’s natural charm and diplomacy make it easy for you to remain composed after a breakup. You’d rather focus on maintaining peace and harmony than diving into unnecessary drama. Even if your heart aches, you project an air of grace and kindness.

However, behind that composed exterior, you might struggle with indecision. Part of you wonders if there’s a way to fix things, while another part knows it’s better to move on. Seeking advice from close friends often helps you navigate this emotional tug-of-war.

Over time, you lean into your love for beauty and balance to heal. Whether it’s redecorating your space or exploring artistic outlets, you use creativity to restore your sense of self. This process helps you move forward with optimism and elegance.

8. Scorpione


Quando qualcuno decide di avere una relazione con uno Scorpione come voi, non finirà bene per lui. Siete irascibili ed è solo questione di tempo quando esploderete. Le sue cose probabilmente ne risentiranno, quindi è meglio che raccolga tutto ciò che ha lasciato a casa tua perché altrimenti lo troverà presto a pezzi.

Breakups for Scorpio are intense and transformative. While you might initially react with anger or hurt, it’s because you feel things so deeply. You don’t just let go of someone—you purge their presence from your life, ensuring there’s no trace left to haunt you.

Despite your fiery response, you eventually channel your energy into personal growth. Scorpio thrives on rebirth, and a breakup often sparks a period of profound self-discovery. Whether it’s diving into a new passion or undergoing a physical transformation, you emerge from heartbreak stronger and more magnetic than ever.

Though you may seem ruthless at first, your loyalty remains unmatched. Once you’ve healed, you reflect on the lessons the relationship taught you and appreciate the depth of your emotional journey. This transformative process allows you to approach future love with greater wisdom and clarity.

9. Sagittario


Non si piange dopo una rottura, né si tiene al proprio ex. Se fosse stato abbastanza degno di voi, sarebbe rimasto. Accettate la realtà molto velocemente e andate avanti ancora più velocemente. Molto presto non saprete nemmeno come si chiamava quel tizio.

Sagittarius approaches breakups with a philosophical mindset. You believe that every relationship, good or bad, teaches you something valuable. This outlook helps you move on quickly, as you’re always eager to explore what’s next in life.

Adventure and freedom become your post-breakup remedies. Whether it’s booking a spontaneous trip, trying a new hobby, or meeting new people, you thrive on the thrill of the unknown. Your zest for life ensures that you don’t dwell on what’s behind you.

While you may seem detached, it’s not because you lack emotion—it’s because you prioritize your happiness. Sagittarius knows that clinging to the past only prevents you from experiencing the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

10. Capricorno


Purtroppo non si può lasciare andare il proprio ex così facilmente. Cercherete disperatamente di riconquistarlo oppure gli darete la caccia e farete del vostro meglio per trasformare la sua vita in qualcosa di orribile. Anche molto tempo dopo la rottura, arrossirete quando incontrerete il vostro ex; cercate solo di trattenere le lacrime o la sete di sangue.

Capricorns often struggle with breakups because they invest so much in their relationships. When things end, it feels like a personal failure, and your perfectionist nature makes it hard to let go. You replay every detail in your mind, searching for answers.

Despite this, you channel your pain into productivity. Work and long-term goals become your refuge, giving you a sense of purpose during tough times. Slowly but surely, you rebuild your confidence and remind yourself of your immense value.

Though it may take time, Capricorn eventually emerges from heartbreak with newfound strength. You use the experience as a stepping stone to grow, ensuring that your future relationships are built on even stronger foundations.

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11. Acquario


Per voi, l'unico modo per andare avanti è tagliare completamente fuori il vostro ex dalla vostra vita. Non c'è alternativa e cancellerete e distruggerete tutto ciò che vi ricorderà anche solo leggermente di lui. Non sarete furiosi con il vostro ex, ma comunque tutto ciò che vi fa male deve uscire dalla vostra vita.

Aquarius values independence above all else, which is why you take a clean-break approach to breakups. By eliminating reminders of your ex, you create the emotional distance needed to move on and regain your sense of freedom.

Your logical mindset often shields you from getting overwhelmed by emotions. While others might drown in heartbreak, you focus on intellectual pursuits or creative projects to distract yourself and stay grounded.

However, beneath your detached exterior lies a heart that cares deeply. Once you’ve fully processed the breakup, you reflect on what you’ve learned and use it to grow. This self-awareness ensures you approach future relationships with clarity and authenticity.

12. Pesci


Anche molto tempo dopo la rottura, non riuscite ancora ad accettare il fatto che non state più insieme. Anche gli scoppi emotivi non sono una novità per voi, ed è per questo che tendete a dedicarvi ad attività rilassanti come il bricolage o le passeggiate nella natura.

Pisces feels breakups more deeply than most, as you tend to romanticize past relationships. You might find yourself reminiscing about the “what could have been” scenarios, which can make it difficult to move on at first.

Artistic expression becomes your escape. Whether it’s painting, writing, or listening to music, creative outlets help you channel your emotions into something meaningful. These activities not only heal you but also remind you of your own unique gifts.

Though you feel heartbreak intensely, you also have an incredible capacity for forgiveness. Over time, you let go of resentment and find peace within yourself, making space for new love to enter your life.