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Being Raised By A Single Mom Made Me Stronger

Being Raised By A Single Mom Made Me Stronger

Does a woman need a man to be happy? Absolutely not.

Strong women need no one do validate them, no one to prove their worth.

A strong woman knows that if she ever finds herself in the wrong story, she must leave.

Single moms are one of these women. Being raised by one made me aware of myself, my strength, and my potential.

She made me value my independence and realize that only healthy relationships are worth fighting for.

There were many nights she cared for me with her head falling to her chest because she was so damn tired.

Each one of those nights was followed by a morning where she had to pull herself together and go to work to earn money to raise me.

Money sure isn’t the most important thing in the world, but it becomes a huge concern when you are the only one taking care of your family.

She taught me how to value every cent and be a modest human being.

As a child of divorced parents, everyone seemed to hold an assumption I’d be broken in a way.

This was never true for me and I always wondered why I saw pity in people’s eyes when they heard my dad wasn’t around.

It has taught me that no matter what set of cards you are dealt at the beginning of the game, it is up to you how you play them.

One thing that happened to you doesn’t define who you are. It is up to you to decide your worth and create a life you will be happy living.

She taught me that a powerful woman doesn’t form shallow attitudes, but invests in forming her own standards and boundaries.

She taught me to respect myself, know my worth, and expect anyone else to treat me with kindness.

A little girl usually imagines her future self having a wonderful man by her side, the love of her life, a soulmate.

I dreamed of finding one too, but never in my life have I felt like I couldn’t be myself without him.

I’m grateful for my amazing husband who takes care of me and our babies every possible way he can, but I also know to appreciate this and not take it for granted.

He completes me, but he is not a vital part of my existence.

Knowing there are men out there weak enough to abandon their families makes me see and recognize everything my dear man, my soulmate, does for us.

A woman should never be afraid to stand alone and stand strong.

A mother who raises children on her own, struggling with finances, time shortage, and so many other issues is the best example of strength and commitment.

Children put you at the end of your wits sometimes. I can’t imagine what it was like for my mom to go through that alone, but it makes me certain that the two of us can do it together.

I am grateful for him, for our trust and love.

It gives me comfort to know that whatever I now believe is impossible to overcome as a family, she overcame herself – alone.

She showed me that just because you think you need a man, that isn’t really true. You can be a stronger, healthier, better self without him.

If you made a commitment to stay by his side, forgiving him for things that shouldn’t be forgiven for, ask yourself who was the one who broke that commitment.

Having children with someone doesn’t make you a slave to that relationship. You can move on, and your kids will move on too if you give them the chance.

She never spoke ill about my dad, and now I realize it took a brave, strong, fierce woman to do so.

The times he didn’t show up to see me, she made excuses for him, never wanting me to harbor bad feelings.

You will realize that those who don’t appreciate your efforts aren’t the ones to keep around.

Knowing her, being raised by her, made me realize that I have to live the life I’m going to be proud of.

And yes, I am proud of myself, for it took going through hell and back to be where I am now.

You can be enough. You are enough. You are everything, even when they treat you like you are nothing.