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12 Zodiac Men And How Likely They Will Break Your Heart

12 Zodiac Men And How Likely They Will Break Your Heart

Whether you believe in astrology or not, there are things that the signs can help with.

Knowing how likely someone is to break your heart is one of them.

A woman always tries her best to save the relationship and often tends to find the reason for a possible breakup and to prevent it.

The sad truth is that usually there is not much you can do and many things are left unexplained.

You can try to find an explanation in your horoscope, and so this is how likely he is to break your heart based on his zodiac sign:

1. Aries


If he is an Aries, you’ll recognize that he fell in love quite fast.

The problem is that he will fall out of love even faster. He will make you wonder what you did wrong and why he disappeared so fast. An Aries won’t linger over his actions; he’ll dump you and move on.

You’ll be wondering if he ever really cared that deeply in the first place. The truth is, Aries men are impulsive and crave excitement. The moment they feel the relationship settling into routine, they start looking for their next thrill. They don’t leave because you did something wrong—they leave because they are constantly chasing a new adventure.

When he goes, he won’t look back, and that’s what hurts the most. No closure, no explanation—just the cold realization that he was never meant to stay for long. The best thing you can do? Move on just as quickly as he did.

2. Taurus


Taurus men are usually known as lovely and kind people, but they can get brutal, cold and cruel.

As a Taurus, he will break your heart because he loves himself more than he loves you. He is very self-centered and believes that he is the most important person in the world. You think everything’s going great when all of a sudden, he will turn on you because of his own selfish reasons.

He will string you along, making you feel safe in the relationship, only to pull the rug out from under you when you least expect it. The worst part? He won’t even feel guilty. He’ll justify it by convincing himself that he was just doing what was best for him. His stubbornness will make him immune to your pain, and no amount of begging or reasoning will change his mind.

When he walks away, he won’t come back. He’ll leave you drowning in confusion, wondering if the love you shared was ever real. And in the end, you’ll realize that loving him was easy, but getting over him will take a strength you didn’t know you had.

3. Gemini


A Gemini is the complete opposite of Aries. He will break your heart slowly and painfully.

Even though you’ll see it coming, it will still hurt like heck. You thought he really understood you and that he never had such deep conversations as he had with you. He is smart and charming but also deadly when it comes to your heart.

At first, he will make you feel like the most important person in his world. His words will be like poetry, and his presence will feel like an adventure. But over time, you’ll start to notice the small changes—the texts become less frequent, the conversations shorter, the passion fading. He won’t end it all at once; instead, he will slowly withdraw, making you question your own worth.

By the time he finally says goodbye, you will have already lost him in a thousand little ways. The heartbreak will come not from the breakup itself but from the painful realization that he had been leaving long before he actually left.

4. Cancer


When a relationship ends with a Cancer, the real heartbreak is going to come from seeing what a mess he is and how you will want to be there for him, but know that it’s probably not a good idea to be his shoulder to cry on.

It hurts even worse knowing you’ve destroyed someone that you loved. Cancer men have no problem showing their emotions, and seeing them in such anguish will wreck your heart.

The worst part? Even after everything, he will make you feel guilty for leaving. His sadness will haunt you, making you second-guess whether you made the right decision. You’ll wonder if maybe, just maybe, you should have stayed to help him heal, even if staying would have broken you even more.

Cancer men don’t just let go—they hold on to memories, to emotions, to every little detail of what once was. Even if you move on, he will always be there, a ghost of the love you shared, reminding you of the pain that never fully went away.

5. Leo


A Leo cannot stay single for long and will break up with you when he loses interest in you.

He will quickly move on, with the intention to make you feel small and insignificant. A Leo is very flirtatious, and most likely, he has a side chick just waiting for you two to split up.

You should not let this crush you—you’re stronger than that. You might find yourself wondering and over-analyzing every aspect of your past relationship with a Leo, but remember that you did nothing wrong and that it was never your fault.

He thrives on attention and admiration, and when he feels like he’s not getting enough, he’ll seek it elsewhere. His charm and confidence make it easy for him to move on, leaving you behind in a mess of unanswered questions. And when he sees you struggling, he’ll make sure to remind you just how replaceable you were in his life.

The best revenge? Shine brighter without him. Because if there’s one thing a Leo can’t stand, it’s seeing someone else steal the spotlight he thought he owned.

6. Virgo


His career will always be a priority and you can never come in-between him and that.

If he sees you as an obstacle in achieving his goals and dreams, no matter how much he loves you, he will break your heart. A Virgo is very critical and will bring up every little thing you did wrong in the relationship. He will make sure to lower your self-esteem and your confidence to zero.

At first, you might admire his ambition and dedication, thinking that his drive will inspire you to be better. But over time, you’ll realize that no matter how much you give, it will never be enough. He won’t just leave you—he’ll make you feel like you weren’t good enough for him to stay. He will convince himself that ending things was logical, necessary, and for the best, even if it leaves you shattered.

Once a Virgo moves on, he does it with complete detachment. He won’t look back, he won’t reconsider, and he certainly won’t give you the closure you need. You’ll be left picking up the pieces of a relationship that, to him, was just another chapter in his perfectly planned life.

7. Libra


A Libra hates conflict and breakups. It makes him feel guilty or bad and he will be heartbroken as much as you are.

His intention will never be to hurt you, and the only possible reason for him to break up with you would be that he got hurt. He will disappear very slowly and silently to make it as painless as possible for you.

But what he won’t realize is that his silence will be more painful than any words he could have spoken. His slow withdrawal will leave you questioning where you stand, and by the time you realize he’s already gone, it will be too late to fix things. The worst part? He’ll still want to be friends, acting as if nothing has changed while you’re left trying to figure out how to move on.

Even though his breakup will be gentle, it will still cut deep. You’ll always remember the way he made you feel—how effortlessly charming and loving he was—only to disappear when things got too complicated. And that lingering “what if” will haunt you for a long time.

8. Scorpio


His words will hurt more than his actions.

Scorpios are known as very passionate and intense people, but also very angry ones. You don’t want to get into a fight with him because his incredibly hurtful words are what will ultimately break your heart.

When he leaves, he won’t just walk away—he’ll make sure you feel the pain of his absence. He will dig up every insecurity, every fear, every weakness you ever shared with him, and he’ll throw it all back at you. His ability to cut deep with his words will leave scars that take years to heal.

Even after the breakup, he won’t fully let go. He’ll check in, resurface when you least expect it, and keep his presence lingering just enough to keep you wondering. He will make it impossible for you to move on, even when he already has. A Scorpio never truly exits your life—they just lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to remind you of what you lost.

9. Sagittarius


A Sagittarius man is very good at prioritizing himself.

He is self-centered and will never show you empathy or interest in your point of view. He will never stick around for too long, and after he breaks up with you, he won’t be able to understand why you’re experiencing so much pain.

To him, relationships are just another adventure, and once he’s had his fill, he’s off to the next one. He won’t see the heartbreak as something tragic—he’ll see it as a natural part of life, something to be accepted and moved on from quickly. The problem is, you won’t be able to move as fast as he does.

Even though he may not intend to hurt you, his carefree attitude will make you feel like you never really mattered. He won’t check in, he won’t offer closure, and he certainly won’t dwell on the past. He will simply walk away, leaving you wondering if he ever truly cared in the first place.

10. Capricorn


You will fall hard for a Capricorn. He will kiss you and sleep with you, and then one day, out of the blue, he will tell you he’s not ready for a relationship.

He will be sorry for misleading you and will always want to stay friends with you. Basically, he will friendzone you.

At first, you’ll think he’s different—mature, stable, and responsible. You’ll feel safe in his presence, believing that he’s someone you can count on. But what you won’t realize is that his heart is guarded, and he’s always been one step ahead of you emotionally. He will never fully let you in, no matter how much you try.

When he decides to leave, he will make it seem like the most rational decision in the world. He won’t be cruel about it, but he will be distant, composed, and completely unmoved by your pain. You’ll wonder if he ever really felt anything at all, or if you were just another calculated part of his perfectly planned life.

11. Aquarius


An Aquarius is known for being rather cold and unemotional.

When he commits, more often than not, it won’t last for long, and he will get bored and want to move on. He is a smooth player but will never have the courage to break up with you to your face, and will make you do all the work yourself.

His emotional detachment will leave you feeling like you were never truly part of his life. He will keep things surface-level, avoiding deep emotional connections, and when the time comes to leave, he won’t even offer you the courtesy of a proper goodbye. He’ll just fade away, forcing you to piece together the end of the relationship on your own.

Even if you confront him, he will act indifferent, as if the relationship never really mattered. The worst part? He won’t see himself as the bad guy. To him, it’s just the way things are, and he’ll move on without a second thought while you’re left wondering why you ever meant so little.

12. Pisces


He can be super-sweet and look like the perfect boyfriend when he is into you, but as soon as he turns his back on you, he’ll be as nasty as it can get.

He will play the victim and make it look like the breakup was your idea in the first place. While you’re a sobbing mess wondering if it was really your fault the whole time, he’ll be cold and unfeeling.

The manipulation won’t stop there. Even after the breakup, he will make sure everyone believes that he was the one who got hurt. He will twist the story, painting himself as the heartbroken one while you’re left defending yourself against a version of events you don’t even recognize.

And the worst part? He will always keep you hanging. Just when you think you’re finally moving on, he’ll reappear—just enough to stir up old emotions and make you doubt everything all over again. Loving him will feel like a dream, but losing him will feel like a nightmare you never truly wake up from.

See also: This Is What Kind Of Heart-Breaker You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign