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This Husband Is Setting An Example Every Man Should Follow

This Husband Is Setting An Example Every Man Should Follow

Oh, I wish my husband would KNOW that the greatest way of showing his love is to give me a proper break from time to time. There’s always more burden on our backs, women always carry out most of the housework and they are more involved in child care.

We would all want a caring partner who can acknowledge all the hard work his wife does and can understand why he needs to give her a day off (or at least a morning off).

Well, the perfect husband truly exists! I found him on TikTok, his name is Chris Giglio and you’ll be stunned to hear the story.

It’s flower time

The video starts with him standing in the living room and saying:

“It’s Saturday morning. The girls and I are doing our favorite thing: We’re letting Mom sleep. It’s a beautiful day to go out and get her some flowers on our way to Target. So let’s get going.”

I started melting instantly. Does Bre know how lucky she is? OMG, he’s such a kind man! He buckles up his daughters in car seats and puts the music on. He has great music taste too – it’s Shania Twain’s “Man! I feel like a woman!” Then he shares the plan:

“First stop, we are at Trader Joe’s. We are going to pick up some flowers as any good homemaker would.”

Then you see his hand grabbing a bunch of different flowers and putting them in the cart. Not only will he pick the flowers but he will assemble and arrange them in a bouquet. All while wearing a baby carrier with his younger daughter in it.

“I just want to make sure that I can give the flowers to Bre once we get home, so we are going to assemble it quickly in the back.” 

A husband every woman dreams of

A ravishing bouquet is there, but he’s not done yet. It must be adorned with a ribbon! He enters the Target to get the ribbon and explains:

“And today, we’re just running around and grabbing a few random things.” 

Men, take notes! Besides the ribbon he buys some household items, too. After he’s done they go back to the car, he buckles up the girls again and cuts the white ribbon. 

Then he ties a ribbon bow with care and heads back home.

But wait, there’s more, on their way back he buys a cup of coffee for Bre. I mean can you believe this?

She woke up to a coffee and a bouquet

The next sequence shows him handing over the cup of coffee to his older daughter. She runs to the bedroom and puts the coffee on a nightstand, while we notice Bre is still in bed. She says in a gentle tone:

“Did you make some pretty flowers for Mama? Wanna read our book together?”

Then Chris comes and gives her the gorgeous bouquet of flowers saying: “Here you go, Mama.” and Bre replies: “Thank you, baby.”

The video ends with Chris saying:

“We love you, Mama.”

The comment section was on fire! 

Of course I was amazed, and viewers… They fell into a trance. A massive appraisal!  One woman wished the same for her precious ones:

“thank you for being such a wonderful man 🥹❤️I pray my kids and I find someone like you one day”

Another one stressed out what it all means for his wife:

“Doing this takes so much stress off of your wife and in return makes her a better mom and wife. Bravo!”

You’ll looove this one 💪

“The feminism I signed up for”

Watch the full reel below:


Took the girls to Trader Joe’s this morning to get @Bre Giglio plenty of sleep and flowers 🌹💐🫶🏼 #dadurday #morningcoffee #coffeeinthemorning

♬ Wes Anderson-esque Cute Acoustic – Kenji Ueda