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Man Publicly Shames His Wife By Forcing Her To Tell Everyone She Cheated On Him

Man Publicly Shames His Wife By Forcing Her To Tell Everyone She Cheated On Him

When I discovered my ex was a cheater I was in shock. Then in denial. I went through a spectrum of negative emotions. Anger. Grief. Depression. Remorse. In the end, I had no option but to accept it, leave him, and move on. 

If you’ve ever been cheated on you know how it feels. It all gets changed overnight and your relationship is hardly ever gonna be the same. Even if you choose to stay with him, you won’t ever forget it. 

Some people become vengeful and look for ways “to return the favor”. A jersey for a jersey!

This is the story of a husband who found out his wife was unfaithful and wanted to punish her in a very humiliating way.

A cruel idea to punish her had an unexpected outcome

A man started his story on the subreddit AITAH explaining how he and his wife are in their 30s and have three children. A couple of months earlier he went through her phone and found some incriminating texts that made him realize she was cheating on him. 

When he confronted her she admitted everything and shared the details of her affair. He learned it lasted for a month and she was with a coworker. 

“I was devastated and asked her why. She gave no excuses for it, and said she had caught feelings for her affair partner which were wrong and she had acted on them (he was her coworker).”

When he asked if she was unhappy in their marriage she said no and continued crying. She begged him not to divorce as it would destroy their kids’ lives. She promised to do anything he asked her for the rest of their lives. Then he got a “brilliantly cruel” idea:

“After a week, I decided that I needed only one thing from my wife to completely forgive her, and that was to call each and every one of her friends and family and confess to her affair. I told her that was my only condition.”

She was shocked by his demand and asked him to think again because if she confessed her affair it would ruin her relationships with friends and family. The man was a tough nut and he said he needed that as part of his forgiveness process and threatened: 

“… if she didn’t do this, I was going to start looking for a divorce lawyer.”

Then she called all of her friends, family members, and everyone she knew to confess her affair. She cried a lot making the long list of calls until it was finally done. She was showered with insults, and shouting and got a lot of name-calling.

After a few months, their relationship became strong again. However, the wife was isolated from friends and family, which left her feeling depressed. 

“This has hurt her a lot, and she spends a lot of nights crying, but she says this was worth it for our relationship and for our children.”

After she followed through he wanted to end the marriage

A month and a half later the man posted an update. He was feeling guilty but he wanted to get a divorce. He admitted to still loving her but he noticed her personality had completely changed over time. 

“… she is no longer the joyous and energetic person I fell in love with. Instead, she’s always sad, gloomy, cries often, and very very clingy to me.”

He even dared to say that forcing her to confess her affair to everyone was maybe a mistake! “Poor man” didn’t expect that all the torture he put her through would result in her being a different person after all.

“I wish she could go back to her joyous nature but I don’t know if its possible anymore.”

Then he explained he couldn’t tell her he was considering divorce as he was afraid it would break her heart.

Redditers had divided opinions 

There was no consensus over his dilemma if he was a jerk or if it was the right thing to do. 

Some people were wondering how someone with three kids even finds time to cheat while others weren’t optimistic about the future of his marriage.

Altruistic_Barber598 wrote all that was embarrassing for both of them. One user said it’s just “airing the dirty laundry” but another one disagreed:

RedDora89 said everyone was ass there and someone replied to her saying that it was not very clever to involve other people:

His marriage was irreparable anyway, he was just brutally revengeful and he needed her to suffer to make himself feel better.

This was not necessary at all, their relationship was damaged and now the mother of his children was damaged too! What do you think? Was this punishment too harsh? 

Read the full story here