7. They try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they’ll change
I need to admit something to you. I’m a proud ex-wife of an unfaithful narcissist in disguise. I was 19 years old when we got married, …
I need to admit something to you. I’m a proud ex-wife of an unfaithful narcissist in disguise. I was 19 years old when we got married, …
This is probably the most common reason cheaters stay married. They don’t want to hurt their kids, or they’re afraid that they may lose custody in …
They’re aware that their marriage ended because of their mistake, and that means that they will probably have to pay for it. And it’s not …
This is a very wrong reason to stay married to someone. You can’t be with someone simply because you feel sorry for them. I mean, …
If his affair partner doesn’t want to be with him, if he was only a one-night-stand, it could be the reason he stays married. He simply …
If a man has low self-esteem and is a validation seeker, he probably doesn’t know how to function on his own. He’s afraid of loneliness, and single …
It was probably a co-worker or a girl he met on social media. He considers her just a fling, a one-night-stand adventure, and he’s already …
Another secret to capturing a man’s heart is never to make him your priority (at least not in the beginning) because if you do, he might lose …
Yup, women who know how to get a real man to fall in love with them never put up with their bullshit. Instead, they let them know …
A woman who knows the secret to capturing a man’s heart never argues with him about how she is being treated. She just acknowledges to …