The Aftermath Of An Almost Relationship
You almost dated someone. You were almost the girl who was chosen. You had a boyfriend—at least you almost had him. There was something, but …
You almost dated someone. You were almost the girl who was chosen. You had a boyfriend—at least you almost had him. There was something, but …
Possessive relationships vary with the severity of the possessiveness. While sometimes it can be mild jealousy, it can get up to a level where it …
There’s no really healthy rebound relationship, but some of them have the possibility of turning into a real one or friendship. But unfortunately, the odds …
We have all been manipulated before in our lives—it’s part of human nature. Children manipulate their parent;, salesmen manipulate their customers; lawyers manipulate jurors—it’s nothing …
I’ve been there. I’m not just rewriting information that has been written all over the Internet millions of times. I actually lived this. I actually …
While some of us lie to save hurting someone else’s feelings, or to avoid conflict, there are people who can’t seem to come to terms …
When you spend some time in a toxic relationship, an enabling attitude becomes your coping mechanism. Basically, without being aware of it, you begin to …
Being hustled in a relationship is one of the worst things that can happen to you. It is not nice to love a man and …
Never date a guy who hides his phone from you. There is clearly no trust in your relationship. If he has nothing to hide and …
To be honest, we can’t just shake off someone who was in our life and who meant so much to us as an ex-boyfriend or …