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22 Absolutely Stunning Thigh Tattoos For Women

22 Absolutely Stunning Thigh Tattoos For Women

Thigh tattoos are a popular choice for women who love big, eye-catching designs. What’s great about thigh tattoos is that you can cover them or show them off depending on your mood.

They are pretty versatile as you can have them on your inner, outer, or back thigh, covering your whole thigh or just a part of it. The thing that’s in common for all of them is that they’re all super cool and fun.

So, let’s take a look at these stunning thigh tattoos that I’m sure will win your heart instantly!

1. Dragon Thigh Tattoo

This really cool design features a dragon intertwined with flowers. The details are crazy and the shading is perfect as well!

2. Feminine Flowers Tattoo

The soft colors of this tattoo make it ultra-feminine and elegant. I really like the flowy vibe of the colorful flowers across the leg!

3. Lion Thigh Tattoo

The lion covered with roses sends a strong message about power, passion, and strength. This placement is perfect for a tattoo like this one since there’s enough area to show all the beautiful details.

4. Leo Goddess Tattoo

All the Leos out there will love this cool tattoo of a Leo goddess. It’s truly magnificent and very interesting with all the details and different motifs.

5. Gemini Tattoo

Another zodiac sign tattoo that will surely capture the attention of everyone. This design is for all the Geminis who want to proudly show their zodiac sign in the form of a tattoo.

6. Bold Snake Tattoo

This bold tattoo is for all the bold women who like powerful designs. The mix of red and black ink really makes this piece stand out!

7. Ornamental Thigh Tattoo

Even though the outer thigh is a more popular placement for a tattoo, this back thigh piece is really cool! Ornamental tattoos are characterized by precise thin lines and dots making it a perfect choice for everyone who loves neat designs.

8. Celestial Inspired Tattoo

The beautiful figure of a woman surrounded by celestial bodies is a great design for those who love space. I also feel like there’s a powerful spiritual message behind this piece since planets, moon, and stars carry a symbolic meaning.

9. Butterfly Lady Tattoo

If you like butterflies, you can incorporate them into some interesting designs like this one where the butterfly covers half of the woman’s face. Symbolizing transformation, the butterfly tattoo is perfect for anyone starting fresh and opening a new chapter in their life.

10. Tarot Card Tattoo

Tarot cards became a popular choice for a tattoo not only due to their meaning but also because they’re really aesthetic and pretty. As the name suggests, this tarot card signifies love, deep connections, and attraction.

11. Elegant Swan Tattoo

Swans are linked to grace, wisdom, beauty, and innocence. They are known for their elegant movements and appearance which also makes them an excellent choice for an elegant thigh tattoo.

12. Moon Fairy Tattoo

Tattoos featuring fairies create really delicate and feminine designs. The moon is a symbol of female energy, and a fairy sitting on it emphasizes feminine power and mystical nature.

13. The Goddess Morrigan Tattoo

The goddess Morrigan is a goddess of war, fate, death, and transformation. This design covers the whole thigh and extends to the hip and knee, resulting in a beautiful tattoo with many details.

14. Mystic Elf Thigh Tattoo

Elves are known as ethereal beings often reminding us of magic. They are also connected to elegance and grace or depicted as guardians of the forest. So a tattoo of a mystical elf emphasizes the connection to the natural world and its beauty.

15. Peacock Tattoo

When someone says peacock, I bet the first thing that comes to your mind are its colorful feathers and interesting appearance. In many cultures, a peacock is a symbol of renewal and immortality and represents rebirth and growth.

16. Forest Goddess Tattoo

It’s not surprising many of these tattoos show some goddess considering their alluring beauty and symbolism. They are truly the ultimate feminine tattoo for every woman!

17. Chrysanthemum Thigh Tattoo

This realistic piece will have everyone looking at your thigh! Chrysanthemums are believed to protect from evil and negative energy so they’re commonly used in tattoo designs. Some also say they’re symbols of royalty and longevity.

18. Koi Fishes Tattoo

This is a great example of a thigh tattoo that doesn’t need to cover your whole thigh since many people think thigh tattoos need to be elaborate to look good. Be creative and consider all sorts of different designs before you pick the one you want.

19. Halloween Inspired Tattoo

People who love Halloween are not only passionate about it during October, but all year round. Therefore, a Halloween-inspired tattoo is perfect for anyone who wants to feel the spooky season vibes during other months of the year as well.

20. Roses Thigh Tattoo

The red ink really makes this tattoo pop out! Red roses are a universally accepted symbol of passion and love so with this tattoo you’ll always be reminded of the power of love.

21. Short Script Thigh Tattoo

Getting a tattoo of some short script or quote on your thigh is another good idea. It will look really attractive!

22. Wonder Woman Thigh Tattoo

If you want to feel really empowered and feminine this is a perfect tattoo for you! Wonder Woman is beyond cool and this tattoo design is as well!