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12 Ways A Man Shows You He’s In Love With You

12 Ways A Man Shows You He’s In Love With You

Whether we’re already in a relationship or crushing hard on someone, we all want to know (if) we’re loved. 

I was never quite sure how to know if a man really loved me until I found someone who gave me princess treatment all the time. 

Now that I feel loved and taken care of each day of my life, I can clearly see how a man in love behaves and what he does to show you that.

So let me clear that out for you so you can stop racking your brain trying to figure out if he feels the same way as you do. When a man really loves you, he will always:

1. Respect your friends and act nicely

If he respects your friends and goes out of his way to impress them, be sure he loves you! He wouldn’t do any of that if he didn’t care.

It shows he knows how much your friends mean to you so he wants to get along with them as well. 

2. Plan date nights

When I say date nights, I don’t only mean watching movies or going to dinner. When a guy really takes his time to plan something special, that’s when you know he’s in love. 

He understands the importance of spending quality time together so he always tries to come up with something new to surprise you. 

3. Take care of you

You know when your world feels like it’s crushing down but your man steps in and saves the day?

Those are the moments that show his real love. It’s easy to love someone when everything’s fine and goes well. It’s the hard times that reveal people who really care about us. 

4. Brag about you proudly

I always think it’s so sweet when my man brags about me to his friends and talks about my accomplishments.

A real man will never shy away from mentioning you in conversations and will proudly brag about you whenever he has a chance. 

5. Give you lots of affection

It doesn’t matter if he kisses you, hugs you or just needs to hold your hand, he can’t stay away from you! If your partner acts like this, he definitely loves you!

Affection is a big part of every relationship and it’s a real proof of someone’s love.

6. Support your goals and inspire you

He not only supports your goals but also motivates you to achieve them. He wants what’s best for you and is always there to help you and cheer you on. 

Only men who are in love will make sure you reach your goals and will believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself. 

7. Buy you random gifts

My boyfriend buys me different types of pink flowers each month just because I once mentioned that pink is my favorite color and he knows I really like flowers.

I know this might sound confusing but the gifts are the least important here. It’s thought and consideration that counts, him carefully listening to you and surprising you with something you love.

8. Tell you how much you mean to him

This might be the most straightforward way in which they show their love. But yeah, if he really loves you, he won’t run away from his emotions and will freely express how he feels about you.

He’ll use every opportunity to tell you how much he’s grateful for you and happy to be with you.

9. Be patient and considerate

Let’s just admit it, we can be tough sometimes, especially during the worst part of our month. So when a man doesn’t have a problem with it and understands why you feel a certain way, it’s clear he cares about you.

Whether it’s being gentle with you or giving you space, he’ll ensure to validate your feelings and give you what you need to be comfortable. 

10. Make sure you’re happy

If a man is crazy over you, he’ll often put your needs before his. You’ll always be his priority and he’ll try his best to give you the life you deserve.

I always knew I was loved because it didn’t matter what I wanted and if it was even possible to have it at that moment, my man would make sure I get everything I want and be happy and satisfied all the time.

11. Reassure you when needed

We need to be reassured from time to time and if he happily does that, you know what that means!

It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling a bit insecure about yourself or your relationship, he’ll always reassure you and remind you of things you need to know. Sometimes one simple conversation can help but even just his presence means a lot.

12. Be your safe place

He knows you need to feel safe and protected so he’s there for you and lets you be yourself without fear of judgement. This is when you can clearly see his love and dedication to you.

Everything could be going wrong, but he’ll always be your peace in every chaos. And that’s love. 

Real love reveals itself in the moments of support and selfless gestures. It’s not hard to spot a man who’s in love because women who are with them are also relaxed and glowing, showing they’re loved in the right way.

So if you feel like that, there’s a big chance he’s head over heels for you.