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Viral TikTok Trend Wins Hearts Of Many And Leaves Them With A Good Laugh

Viral TikTok Trend Wins Hearts Of Many And Leaves Them With A Good Laugh

Coming up with new fun ideas for date night can be challenging but luckily, the internet once again has our backs! A new trend that appeared on TikTok has gone viral in the blink of an eye and for a good reason – hilarious results.

The “paint each other” trend is the perfect idea for an affordable and fun date, especially for couples that prefer staying in. You don’t need anything besides canvases, paints, and a little bit of effort!

Sit across from your partner and do your best to show off your artistic skills while you paint them. Prepare yourself for the big reveal at the end, and I mean…really prepare yourself. 

Artist or not – this challenge is for everyone

Credit: TikTok

The trend gathered over 203 million views and proved that you don’t need much for a perfect date night.

Painting each other is not only fun but has other benefits as well. You can actually practice patience and learn a lot about each other while you do it. This can strengthen your connection but also maybe reveal awful art skills (so don’t say I didn’t warn you).

Many couples hopped on this trend, and while some seem like professional artists, others seem like they didn’t pay much attention in their art classes. So don’t worry, you don’t have to be an artistic soul to try this out. After all, the worse the results – the funnier it is!

What’s even more interesting is that usually, one partner is surprisingly good at painting, while the other is, let’s say, not so gifted. Amy Trowbridge happily did this trend with her husband saying they are both artists and the results didn’t disappoint (at least from her).

Credit: TikTok

Jo Johnson shared a video as well, and the portrait of her partner looks like it belongs in a gallery. I have to admit that he didn’t do a bad job himself! 

Masterpiece or catastrophe – decide for yourself

Credit: TikTok

Some of the paintings are actually good, but others are a hot mess! If you think I’m exaggerating, decide for yourself. Take a look at this “masterpieceZahra Banisse shared that her boyfriend proudly presented! They won’t hang this one on the wall, that’s for sure!

Daniela Sante also showed off her skills, but rightfully since her painting is insanely accurate. Her followers also agreed and one commented:

“The women at this point need to open an art gallery. They are doing so well in this challenge.”

The trend almost became the perfect chance to throw shade at men for their poor artistic skills, but let’s be honest, they should attend a couple of art classes!

Creator Taylor Schneider also uploaded a video of her and her partner’s paintings. Well if you ask me, in this case maybe they both can attend art classes together.

Credit: TikTok

However, users agreed that the man probably had too many glasses of wine during the painting process! This challenge is definitely lighthearted and not for the weak so make sure you have no hard feelings rule. One user honestly admitted:

“The way my self-esteem wouldn’t recover from this challenge.”

Seeing yourself through the eyes of loved ones is truly special, even in cases when it’s not quite how you expected it. This trend is perfect for all the lovebirds who want to try out something new! 

While some paintings aren’t priceless, the laugh they cause sure is! At the end of the day, you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.