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Find Out What Can Instantly Make You More Attractive To Others

Find Out What Can Instantly Make You More Attractive To Others

We often think that our appearance is what makes us attractive. Although being hot is helpful, attraction is more complex than that.

It’s all about your personality and behavior! I’ve always been attracted to men who are polite and kind to others, and genuinely know how to communicate well. 

Small things like holding the door open, helping a complete stranger, or doing anything without expecting something in return are green flags that make you magnetic to others.

No one looks for perfection in your appearance, people are interested in glimpses of your unique personality!

One post on Reddit revealed this is really true! This and 10 other things according to the Reddit community.

1. Women who are smart and have their lives put together

I think being independent has always been hot. No matter if you’re a man or a woman, knowing what you’re doing with your life is a huge green flag!

Being with someone who doesn’t have these qualities might be fine for a short fling, but no one wants to settle with a person who is incompetent and doesn’t know what they want from life.

Credit: Reddit

2. When you’re kind but don’t expect anything in return

You can be the best-looking person on the planet but if you’re rude then you’re instantly ugly. People who radiate with genuine kindness are much more attractive than those who think they are better than everyone else. 

As this user said, it’s important you’re really kind and do things from the heart, not only because you’re putting on a show for others to see.

Credit: Reddit

3. Staying calm under pressure

I never thought about this but it actually makes a lot of sense! People who know how to handle stressful situations calmly and without causing panic are the best!

Since life is not a fairytale and these situations are inevitable, it’s surely good to have someone like this by your side.

Credit: Reddit

4. Being selfless in a world full of selfishness

No one likes cold and distant people. If you’re compassionate and do kind things without expecting anything in return, then you’re attractive!

I don’t know who told us that being ruthless is cool but they definitely lied to us! We never needed more empathy in the world so it’s refreshing to see someone who cares about others.

Credit: Reddit

5. If you’re adaptable and open to new things

Oh, Charles Darwin would love this one! And it’s so true! Being able to adapt to different situations even when something doesn’t go according to plan is so hot. 

They are so real for saying that about picky eaters. The world is full of amazing food and diverse cultures! Why would we limit ourselves to McDonalds and KFC?

Credit: Reddit

6. Can you still talk things out even in anger?

When we’re angry we often say things we don’t actually mean and end up hurting people around us. Even though we regret it and apologize afterwards that’s not good enough!

We should all learn from people who can control themselves before saying something they’ll regret. Being mean and teasing in a hurtful way is not cool at all.

Credit: Reddit

7. Are you a natural magnet for kids and animals?

I always thought if children and animals love someone, then people must love them too! Kids are innocent and they have a good radar so they can easily detect good and bad in people.

Animals also feel when humans are genuine and good. I would trust them every time over people saying someone is a good person. So if kids and animals adore you, people will too!

Credit: Reddit

8. When you’re genuinely interested in things they like

I love it when someone actually watches a movie I recommended them so I definitely agree with this user! People can really meet us deeply and learn so much about us just from the music we listen to, books we like to read, or movies we enjoy watching.

So if you want to instantly get a plus in attractiveness, the next time someone recommends you something, show interest in things they like! Watch that movie they love, rent their favorite book, or listen to that album, they’ll be grateful.

Credit: Reddit

9. Responsible and respectful people are always hot

Honestly, I think the bar is so low it’s reaching the underground. Isn’t this something that should be normal for everyone? Apparently not, since some find it extremely attractive because it’s rare nowadays.

Lucky for you, looks like just being a decent human being is all it takes for people to love you. That’s not so hard, right? 

Credit: Reddit

10. Being on good terms with your ex

You probably never thought that being friends with your ex could get you far but hey, look at this. Some people actually think this makes you more desirable.

I don’t know how much you’re willing to be friendly with them for the sake of someone finding you attractive. However, not talking trash about your ex-lovers is the least you can do. 

Credit: Reddit

Looks like the physical appearance is not that important after all! It’s what is inside you and not on the outside that matters to others.

So think about this the next time you worry about your looks. Rather try to be kind, empathetic, and show respect and openness than spend hours trying to look your best!