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This Woman Explains Why It’s Important To Have Your Partner Attuned To You

This Woman Explains Why It’s Important To Have Your Partner Attuned To You

He forgot about the anniversary and you’re so mad at him! It is a BIG deal, I know. I feel you!

A few times I was so angry for the same reason. The disappointment produced such a strong emotional impulse that it took full control over me. I even considered divorcing my husband!

Luckily I slept on it, and the next day I had a more reasonable perspective. I would give up the idea of divorcing him but would still feel hurt by his negligence. I just wanted him to KNOW what’s important for me and to pay attention to that.

My sister, for example, is quite different. She doesn’t care about important dates, so often forgets about birthdays and anniversaries. She’s not upset if her man forgets to buy her a present for their anniversary but she is very demanding about other things. 

But that’s a different story.

Usually, men are the ones who forget. I guess they become too relaxed and comfortable in relationships, that they fail to use small gestures, little surprises, and other ways to show they’ve been thinking about us. To show they care.

A woman on TikTok shared a video of her conversation with her husband where she tells him:

“This is your gift from yesterday”

Apparently, the husband forgot about their anniversary. Then, a content creator Laura Danger referred to this woman’s video on TikTok and opened the discussion of this common problem in relationships.

First, she plays the insert where the wife is telling her husband “It’s your anniversary present from yesterday”.

The husband is in disbelief and says “I forgot our anniversary again”. Then you see him opening the present and Laura says:

Credit: TikTok

But that’s not all. She shows comments under the video where you can see how people have different opinions about this problem. She reads one of the first comments. One person finds this situation funny:

Credit: TikTok

The other one follows with laughter and suspects the husband is in hot water.

Credit: TikTok

Women mostly feel compassion while men admit they keep forgetting about their anniversaries.

Credit: TikTok

A woman shares how she prevents her SO from missing an important date:

Credit: TikTok

The other one is upset because men forgetting about anniversaries became a “normal” thing:

Credit: TikTok

Understandably, it’s painful when your partner is not giving you the same amount of attention:

Credit: TikTok

Then, Laura shares her thoughts on this:

“We don’t expect men to care”

She explains how the woman on the TikTok video waited for the whole day for her husband to remember. Then, when she handed him the gift, you could tell from her body language how much she was hurt. 

Credit: TikTok

Laura says the woman really made an effort to choose something he would like and even offered to exchange it for something else if it wasn’t right. She was all excited about the anniversary and he forgot about it. Obviously, not the first time.

Credit: TikTok

She understands and empathizes with someone being hurt because their husband forgot about the anniversary, even though that’s not something she would make a fuss about. 

Different ways to show affection

Laura explains that she personally wouldn’t be angry or upset, as she didn’t get HER husband any present for their anniversary either. However, she and her husband do show affection in different ways: with small gestures or by choosing appropriate gifts for each other.

Credit: TikTok

Her partner does the same for her. She emphasizes how important it is to be attuned to each other, how we need our partners to be aware of what’s important for us and wanna feel like we’re thought of.

We are all different and you and I surely value different things in a relationship, but make sure your partner KNOWS what matters to you and what are the right ways to show you he cares. 

Yes, you need to TELL him if you feel neglected because of his inattentiveness. Open talk does wonders and strengthens your connection. Also, make sure to understand what’s important to HIM and show love in ways that he’ll appreciate.

If you wanna watch the full video, here it is:


Before you say “it’s a simple mistake, I forget stuff all of the time…” When it’s important to your partner, you find ways to prioritize. Reminders, calendars, asking a reliable friend to help remind you! There are ways to prioritize making your loved ones feel valued. #couples

♬ original sound – Laura Danger