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12 Zodiac Signs: Which Ones Are Lying & Which Ones Are Telling The Truth?

12 Zodiac Signs: Which Ones Are Lying & Which Ones Are Telling The Truth?

Find out around which zodiacs you should be careful and not trust every word they say.

1. Aries


They are reckless, and they don’t think before they speak. Therefore, they are definitely not capable of lying. Telling the truth all the time puts them in awkward positions because the truth is not always nice to hear.

Sometimes, they’ll hurt someone completely innocent, but that won’t quiet their urge to keep telling the truth.  A career in politics is something you should never consider because you’d suck at it.

Truth is something you can’t resist, so it’s better if you stick to more simple jobs.   Aries are a bit egocentric, and they don’t handle the hypocrisy that well which means they can’t handle society surrounding them all the time.

Despite their faults, Aries often win admiration for their blunt honesty and bravery. They say what others wouldn’t dare, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Over time, their unfiltered words can earn them a reputation as truth-tellers, and people might seek their advice when they need someone who doesn’t sugarcoat things. However, Aries must tread carefully, as their inability to soften their words can sometimes alienate others.

2. Taurus


It’s not foolish to say that Taurus is the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac. They have so much trouble accommodating themselves to other people and the way they think.

Taurus will hang on to their own ideas because they are certain those ideas are the only way to go. This sign is pretty good at avoiding telling lies, which is better anyway. 

Although, no matter if someone wants to lie or not, it’s almost impossible to avoid being tangled in such a situation. To avoid these situations from happening, Taurus escapes the slightest possibility of being connected to lying.  When they lie, they do it only to defend themselves, never to attack.

When Taurus does resort to bending the truth, it’s usually driven by a deep desire to protect their peace or avoid conflict. They despise unnecessary drama and are more likely to withhold information than outright fabricate a story. To Taurus, their honesty reflects their core values, and they guard those values fiercely.

3. Gemini


And the Oscar goes to…that’s right, Gemini. You won’t find a better actor than a Gemini. They are consistent and when they choose themselves a role, they will stick to it until the end.

Gemini will never get themselves into awkward situations because they are capable of assimilating into any surroundings. Their intelligence suggests to them how to act in certain situations. 

Hence, Gemini has no problems lying when they need to. If it’s to attack someone or to defend themselves, it doesn’t matter.

They will lie without thinking twice about it. This would make them great politicians facing a bright future. On the negative side, they aren’t quite trustworthy people.

Geminis’ duality allows them to wear multiple hats in their personal and professional lives, which makes them adaptable but also unpredictable.

Their knack for storytelling is so strong that they often blur the line between reality and their own crafted narratives. It’s not unusual for Gemini to embellish tales just to keep things interesting.

4. Cancer


Cancers are emotionally unstable which makes them perfect targets to get involved in unnecessary lies. Cancers react to instinct, so they rarely think the situation through before making any choices.

The bottom line—they are quite unstable.  Although, on the plus side, their intuition forces them to do the right thing in the end.

If they are aware that the truth is going to affect people they love, they will lie. If they think their loved ones can handle it, they will be honest.  Family and friends are very important to them which means they will never hurt them even if it means telling the truth.

The family bond is something sacred they don’t want to mess up — at any cost. 

Cancers wear their hearts on their sleeves, and this can often lead to moments of vulnerability where they feel compelled to tell a white lie to shield their emotions.

Their protective nature extends beyond their loved ones to their own self-preservation. When their insecurities are triggered, they might twist the truth to avoid feeling exposed.

5. Leo


Leos have integrity. They are honest and loyal. They will stick to those traits even if it means they have to compromise their well-being.

Lying is not a common trait with this sign, so they will tell the truth almost always.  On the other hand, when Leo is defending something he really cares about, he won’t blink twice about telling a lie.

At that moment, all compromises and integrity fall apart because they have to have what they have in mind. They are ready to go to great lengths just to get what they want.

Taking all of this into consideration, it’s hard for them to have many friends. There aren’t a lot of people out there who are ready to agree with a Leo one hundred percent, especially in situations where Leo forgets that a compromise is possible. 

Leos crave admiration and approval from those around them, and this sometimes tempts them to exaggerate their accomplishments.

They don’t see it as lying, but as adding flair to their narrative, ensuring their audience remains captivated. However, their charisma and confidence often make people overlook these minor embellishments.

6. Virgo

Virgos are more than capable of lying, especially when their integrity and competence are at stake. They will do anything to protect themselves from criticism.

It’s true they will lie at any cost, but it’s also true they are scared of getting caught. That’s why sometimes, they will stop themselves if they assess that someone might be on to them.

They couldn’t absolutely handle being exposed publicly for what they lied about. Virgo wants others to like them so badly, that they will lie if necessary just to get others to like them. 

They won’t lie all the time, but they will definitely lie if that’s necessary. 

Virgos have a perfectionist streak that makes them hyper-aware of how others perceive them. This constant self-scrutiny pushes them to craft half-truths or omit details that might tarnish their image. They see this as a way to maintain control over situations rather than a betrayal of trust.

7. Libra


Libras are all about stability and morality. Finding the perfect balance is actually their end goal in life. They act accordingly with lies, too.

Libras have a constant need to stick to moral principles and make others act like that as well.  When morality is at stake, they are even willing to lie a bit.

They are willing to do anything to obtain the perfect balance. When they lie, they also lie for the well-being of the person they love.

When they’re telling the truth, they are as loud as they get.

Libra’s natural charm and diplomacy often lead them into situations where a lie seems like the easiest way to maintain harmony. They detest conflict, so even a small fib feels justified if it can smooth over tension or keep everyone content. However, they always feel a pang of guilt afterward.

8. Scorpio


Meet the best liar of the Zodiac! Their instinct to lie is so strong they can’t even control it. On the other hand, they don’t want to control it either.

They find it absolutely amusing to see other people’s reactions when they tell a lie. Sometimes they get so involved in their lies that they create a completely different image of themselves.

Anyway, they are very trustworthy because they manage to keep secrets. 

They are in total control of their instincts, so they can keep quiet when they have to but just to avoid hurting themselves or people they care about.

Scorpios’ mysterious nature makes them natural manipulators, but their lies are often part of a larger strategy rather than meaningless deception. They enjoy having control over situations and sometimes see lying as a tool to achieve their desired outcomes.

9. Sagittarius


Sags are the most honest sign of the zodiac. Naturally, they are so good inside that they automatically think that everyone else is just like them.

If they are telling the truth, so is everyone else. That’s the reason why they get hurt almost every time. 

They don’t know how to lie, but it can happen that sometimes they overstate a few things in a conversation which makes them feel guilty afterward.

Then they come back and try to make things better, but somehow it only gets worse. 

Sagittarius’ innate optimism sometimes blinds them to the realities of human nature. They might avoid lying, but their tendency to exaggerate can make others question their sincerity. These exaggerations are often harmless and stem from their desire to make life more exciting and meaningful.

10. Capricorn


The ambitious and limitless Capricorn has no obstacles toward their goal. If that means hiding the truth to make their plans come true, so be it.

As far as real lying is concerned, Capricorns will only lie when that’s absolutely needed.  Capricorns behave very carefully not to accidentally create themselves an enemy who can harm their way to the top.

They tend to be very friendly to everyone in all life spheres. In everyday life, Capricorns hold on to moral conventions, and they don’t lie.

On the contrary, they are honest and loyal. 

Capricorns’ practical mindset often makes them approach honesty as a calculated choice rather than a moral imperative. If they believe telling the truth will hinder their success, they won’t hesitate to bend it slightly. However, this is always done with a clear purpose, never recklessly.

11. Aquarius


People born under this sign will try so hard to protect the ones they love by avoiding telling them the truth. Therefore, it’s safe to say that Aquarius is only lying when it’s absolutely necessary for the greater good. 

They are also very diplomatic, and they can perform as middlemen between two completely different people of opposite mindsets.

There won’t be a fight because an Aquarius has a way with words and can handle it very well. 

Aquarians’ visionary thinking often leads them to believe they know what’s best for everyone involved. This can result in small deceptions aimed at steering situations toward their ideal outcome. They see these lies as acts of kindness rather than manipulation.

12. Pisces


Pisces will only lie when they are faced with situations from which they really want to get out of such as life obligations for which they are really not ready.

Pisces live in a world of fantasy where time flies faster, and there aren’t any tasks they have to do. 

There are occasions when they are capable of lying about their own past, present, or future to the extent that they start believing their own lies.

Lying helps them present things as much nicer than they really are or even it helps them score positive social points with people listening to them.  However, although they can lie from time to time, Pisces don’t want to hurt anyone.

So even when they lie, they are usually trying to help.

Pisces’ creativity often extends into their storytelling, where they weave elaborate tales that blur the line between truth and fiction. They don’t lie with malicious intent; rather, they aim to inspire or bring comfort to others. Their deep empathy drives these choices, as they genuinely want to make people feel better.