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Gen Z Is Saying Goodbye To Dating Apps And Welcoming Back Old-School Matchmaking 

Gen Z Is Saying Goodbye To Dating Apps And Welcoming Back Old-School Matchmaking 

I’m so over dating apps! Seriously. I mean, how many times do I need to swipe left, swipe right, go on these meaningless dates, and then end with heartbreak or just wasted time?!

I sometimes feel as if I’m just in this endless loop of the same experiences with the same people, and it never stops! It’s like every time I know the exact order of things that will happen.

I get sick of swiping, then finally see a cute guy, we match, talk for a bit, I get my hopes up and then it turns out to be one big nothing! Ugh, I get pissed off just thinking about it. 

This may sound crazy, but sometimes I think that it wouldn’t be so bad to return to times when your parents would just find you a spouse and you would get married and that’s it. End of the story.

My parents would probably even find someone more decent for me than I would, considering my past choices…

I thought I was alone in this suffering. However, after ranting about hating online dating, my friends came in with receipts! 

“Damn it with the swiping already! I need a break.”

I feel like we all relate to this, right? It’s just tiring to get excited over someone who seems promising at first just to end up being nothing close to what you imagined.

A survey done by Forbes revealed that almost 80% of Gen Z users said they are exhausted by dating apps. I mean, how wouldn’t we be?! With so many options to choose from, it almost feels like you have a mile-long buffet with nothing that just tastes right.

Even though you might feel like dating apps will help you settle down, sometimes it’s actually the opposite. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by too many choices. Judith Gottesman, dating coach and matchmaker says:

“If you just go on date after date after date it feels like endless possibilities, but you’re actually more likely to burn out sooner because you’re just going on a bunch of random bad dates having negative experiences, and wasting a lot of time and money.”

I once had my obsessive Tinder era. I constantly kept matching with people, talking, and going on dates. You’d think I would’ve found my prince by now. Well…not really. The only thing I ended up with was empty social batteries and lost hope in my love life. Sounds familiar? 

“I’m sick of playing games. I want something real.”

Oh boy, I heard this one too many times. It’s frankly quite annoying when you want that genuine connection and they just want…nothing. 

Also, let’s be honest. Gen Z tends to overthink everything, and I really mean, everything! From the way we respond to messages, and emojis we are using to how fast we should reply, it’s simply too much.

Let’s just agree that at this point it’s so much easier to just meet someone in real life and talk to them on the spot. 

My friend would make a whole damn strategic plan on when she would send a message based on the other person’s response time. If she dedicated this time and energy to her studies, I bet she would have a PhD by now! 

And don’t even get me started on people pretending to want something serious while in reality, they’re just there for the ride. When you go through this multiple times, it can really affect you and your sanity.

“My love life isn’t the only one suffering. It’s my mental health too.”

A lot of my friends (including me) have become self-conscious and insecure since online dating. All the rejections and unbelievable standards some people have? Yeah, I know it all. 

According to the same survey, ‘ghosting’, poor connection, disappointment, and rejection were among the top reasons why Gen Z is done with dating apps.

Although this sounds pretty rational, Hinge revealed something else! Their report states that fear of being cringe is one of the major concerns of Gen Z. Don’t judge though, every generation has its challenges. I guess being cringe is ours.

But seriously now, dealing with these things can really be hard on some people. Sometimes it’s easier to just delete the app and save yourself from misery. 

“I don’t trust people online.”

When you consider the world we live in, how could you trust anyone? I don’t even feel safe walking down the street, let alone meeting someone I’m not even sure it’s the person saying they are.

The survey also revealed that 38% of users admitted they have been catfished and 18% of them have been exposed to some kind of abuse. So, can someone blame us for trust issues?

It’s hard navigating the online world nowadays, especially with the rise of AI technologies that often bring more bad than good. I once matched with a guy whose every picture was AI-generated. He said he was 25 but he was actually in his 50s! Imagine the shock.

This is why meeting through a matchmaking agency can bring you peace of mind knowing they verify who you’re meeting with. 

Considering the recent report and the fact that only 26% of users of online dating services are Gen Z, I think matchmaking agencies are looking at a bright future!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How could we possibly be more into traditional dating when we’re basically living online? Well, that right there might be your answer.