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After Reading These Stories About The Worst Dates Ever I’m Scared Of Dating

After Reading These Stories About The Worst Dates Ever I’m Scared Of Dating

I will never forget that date, it was a pure horror and for a few weeks, I was afraid I’d bump into him on the street and the feeling of uneasiness would overwhelm me.

I met him on a dating app and looking at his profile picture I thought he seemed like a nice guy. We’ve been chatting for a couple of days and then decided to meet up. 

The moment I saw him, I sensed something was upsetting about him, some strange aura, and I still get chills when I recall it.

I won’t go into details but it turned out he was way too bizarre for my taste. I will just say he liked bondage and discipline… 

I thought that date had to be the worst ever but then I checked Reddit – an everlasting source of hilarious real-life stories. On subreddit r/AskReddit a user xxibjt posted a question:What is the worst date you’ve been on?”

Most of the stories found in comments will make you laugh your head off, but these 15 are my favorites:

1. “My name isn’t Steve”

Source: Reddit

This one is hysterical, I mean the man spent 45 minutes pretending he was Steve, the reunion date!

2. “She invited her boyfriend too”

“Worst date I nearly went on? Dropped her a text as I was leaving the house, ‘on my way, see you in half an hour!’ Response comes back ‘Cool, see you soon. By the way, my boyfriend is coming too, he quite fancies you, hope that’s ok.’

Needless to say, I turned round, went home, spent the evening watching TV. Hope they had a wonderful time.” – unwilling_viewer

To bring your boyfriend on a date with someone?! That’s a quite weird idea, don’t you agree? I mean, what did she have in mind, a throuple?

3. “He wanted blue-eyed kids”

Source: Reddit

I was in convulsions at “ransacked distant branches of his family tree” but then it became more hilarious when the other date said she’s not fat! 

4. A date with a proud narcissist

“When I took the train up from Philly to NYC to see him—not a short trip for a date—the first thing he did upon seeing me was tell me that my dress looked trashy. Within ten minutes he had told me he was a proud narcissist.

He ditched me in the middle of the date to attend a meeting. I had to just dick around in the middle of New York with nothing to do and nowhere to go for like an hour.

He took me in a drop ride at Coney Island. I am scared of heights. He laughed at me when I started crying.

For some bizarre reason he was shocked when I never called him back again after that date. The worst f**k part was I got f**king bronchitis from traveling and at the time I had a VERY BUSY summer job as a counselor for incoming freshmen at my university and it SUCKED!

F**k you Andrew, you weirdo.” – wheniswhy

Hahaha, Andrew, I hope you’ll read this! 

5. Obsessed with Taco Bell

“I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t experience it myself, but went out with a vegan who was OBSESSED with Taco Bell and literally refused to speak about anything other than their bean burritos. I asked what part of town he was in, he told me where the nearest Taco Bell was. 

I asked “what do you do?” and instead of telling me his job like any other person with a shred of normalcy would he answered, “I eat Taco Bell.” It was the most bizarre 20 minutes of my entire life before I finally chugged my drink and ran out of there.” – thewine

The man’s life revolved around Taco Bell, can you imagine?

6. The tick in his groin

Source: Reddit

This guy has very unhealthy attachment tendencies. Why would anyone carry around a dead tick in his wallet? Weirdo!

7. “He told me he was a Pisces”

“He talked about his ex a lot and how almost everything he did was because he was a Pisces 😂 I haven’t been on much dates so that’s why it’s not the worst thing that could have happened but this was the worst out of the bunch. It was more just annoying lol.” – marzbarz2000

Oh always depressed Pisces, unable to move on and forget their exes. I could really imagine him sitting there all sad, and blaming his astrological sign for all his drawbacks.

8. “She barely talked”

“I asked a coworker out. She believed the man should take charge in everything in the relationship. 

She made me pick the restaurant, pick her up and drive her, order for her, carry the conversation, pay the bill, drive her home, the whole time acting disinterested in everything I said. 

I texted her I didn’t think we would work out and she sent back ‘I had a lot of fun what do you mean?’” – Pm_me_clown_pics3

At first, I thought this one would be just boring. And then an unexpected twist!

9. A date with his whole family

“Tinder date, agreed to meet at a local pub. When I arrive, she takes me up to the function room and I get to meet her entire family at her granny’s 75th birthday party.” – Active-Strawberry-37

This woman wasted no time! First date and he gets to meet her family. 

10. The car horn won’t stop honking

Source: Reddit

I had to read this one three times and burst out laughing every single time. I had a vivid image of people staring at them while the honking continued. 

11. “A date ended in a car crash”

“Tinder date. We had gone to a bar. She drove there, and I took public transit. We each only had two drinks in a two-hour period (I thought that was fine). 

She offered to drop me back at my place. After a few blocks, I could tell she was under the influence. Not too long later, she crashed her car with me in the front seat! Not hard enough for the airbags to pop, but still… 

She rear-ended a guy stopped at a red light. Her entire front bumper just fell off. And the guy she hit literally just shrugged it off. I’ll never forget.” – adScientist312

What a date finale! And she had only two drinks. 

12. “She had low blood sugar ”

Source: Reddit

This one is a bit scary, I mean it was really responsible of her to skip her medication. Poor guy, it was a very stressful date. 

13. A date interrupted by fire

“Probably the one where I got a call from my neighbor mid date telling me that my trash can was on fire.” – Cwilkes704

That must’ve been an unpleasant interruption. I imagine a guy leaving the date and running to his house to put out the fire.

14. A date in jail

“We both had to use a phone and were separated by plexiglass.” – The_Spyre

What an unusual place for a date! Just a few words to provoke imagination and you’re thinking: was a woman in jail or a man? What did they do to end up behind the bars? 

15. “Trilateral meet-up”

“Went to see Up with someone I met online. She insisted on bringing her brother with us and the two of them looked at po*n on each others’ phones the whole time.” – fluffycritter

Very awkward date, I can imagine a poor guy sitting across from weird siblings who kept staring at their phones.

When I read these stories, mine doesn’t seem so scary. At all! Gurl, dating is a tough grind! Take care of yourself and make sure to leave the date if it seems weird and uncomfortable!

If you wanna read more, here’s the full thread: