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I Have The Perfect Husband And My Kids Have The World’s Best Dad

I Have The Perfect Husband And My Kids Have The World’s Best Dad

I must admit I’ve been very lucky, my husband is a great father. I didn’t know how much I loved him until I saw him loving our kids.

He makes our home a peaceful, loving, and nurturing place to live in.

He’s just a man but when with kids he transforms into a hero. I gave them the best gift by choosing him to be their father. He doesn’t tell them how to live, he lives and shows them how to do it.

Unlike me, he takes things slowly, doesn’t rush to get it all done, and appreciates the sweet little moments he spends with the kids.

For instance, when he changes our son’s diapers he takes time to enjoy the moment and make it fun for the baby. He points to his legs and arms and names them, pulls out the toys to distract him, tickles his belly, allows him to roll over and crawl naked…

Yesterday, when we were finishing dinner, he lifted our boy and kissed his cheek. Then took him to the bedroom to get ready for bed. It warmed my heart. I love that man.

And daughter, she’s his princess of course. He is so invested in her wellbeing and happiness. 

A few weeks ago we were in the car and were blasting Disney songs. The song “A girl worth fighting for” from Mulan came on. Then he reaches for my hand and goes “You and Jessica”. Jesica is our daughter. Lord help me, it’s been 10 years and this man still makes my heart skip a beat.

He sets a high standard for her future perspective on men. She lights up like the sun when he gets home from work.

When I remember he grew up without a father present in his life, I respect him even more. I mean he had no role model to look up to.

Maybe because all his life he missed the father figure, it all made him so devoted and caring. He wants our children to have all that he lacked in childhood.

He always puts family first. That’s why he passed on a few job promotion opportunities over the years as he’d be expected to spend lots of time away from home. Being present in the kids’ lives is priceless and no raise could compensate for it.

Even after the stressful days at work he comes home smiling, attentive, and ready to play with the kids. Average fathers have patience, he has MORE patience. 

He‘s not only patient, but a loving, devoted, and sweetest man I know.

He’s there for cuddles. He’s there when they have a nightmare. For the medicine if they’re sick. 

Oftentimes he makes them breakfast. He’s there to take them and pick them up from daycare and school. He makes sure they brush their teeth and take a shower.

He buys the best gifts for their birthdays and Christmas. 

I see the joy in my kids’ eyes when he’s around. He’s their guide, their hero, and their big support. Being there to see their milestones, help them with homework, or join their plays, he’s a true role model. 

I’m blessed to have him as my co-parent and partner. I’m thankful for everything he does and everything he is to me. I’m thankful that he’s my lover, my backbone, and my best friend.

I appreciate him more than words can describe.

I love that he can always make me laugh. Even on my lowest days, he makes me feel valued and heard. His compassion makes our relationship stronger every day.

I love that he knows how to communicate his needs and address mine. 

He helps with chores and cancels coffee dates with his buddies so I can take a break.

I’m so lucky to have him by my side.

I’m thankful he’s believing in us and making our lives so incredible. For being himself and loving me and our kids. For giving them love and guidance in life.

I’m grateful for all the memories we created together and the beautiful parenting journey we’re on. He’s a true partner in every sense of the word and I cherish every moment of our time together.

I thank God every day for giving me the perfect husband and perfect father to our kids!